Chapter 2

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Halfway through practice, I decide to go and talk to Christian. I turn to Alice, who is sitting next to me.

"Can you watch Jace for a minute? I'm going to find Christian" Alice nods with a smile. I stand up and walk towards the pitwall, where I know I can find Christian. I see him sitting there, watching the monitors, checking everything he needs to. I go and stand next to him. He looks up and smiles warmly at me. He gives me a quick hug before also kissing my cheek.

"Allison, it's so good to see you" he says, while turning away from the monitors. If something is happening, people will tell him.

"It's good to see you too" I tell him. The last time I did see him was the Red Bull Christmas party last year. I was invited and I still don't know why, but I had an amazing time. Jace was with Daniel's parents in Australia, where I live as well. A few days, Daniel and I flew back to Australia. It was the first time I ever had time off from Jace, which was something I hadn't had for 2 years.

"Has Daniel asked you about dinner?" Christian asks me. I nod at him while smiling.

"Yeah, that's why I'm here actually. I wanted to check if you were really up for baby sitting Jace" I tell him. Christian gets another warm smile on his face. Christian is one of the nicest guy I've ever met. He is so caring and he always wants to help everyone.

"Off course I'm up for it. I love little Jace, I really don't mind" Christian answers me, making me feel happy. I love Jace, but sometimes it's very nice to have some time for myself.

"That would be really amazing" I tell him. He takes a quick glance at the monitors, before turning back to me.

"I'm glad I can give you a night out, honestly, you deserve it. What about you bring him around at 6, before heading to dinner?" Christian asks me. I don't know the time of dinner, but I'm guessing it's close to 6.

"That'd be good. I'll pick him up right after dinner" I tell Christian. He nods and smiles.

"I'll let you get back to work, I'll see you later. And thank you, really" I tell him. Christian smiles and gives me a quick hug, before putting his headset on again. I walk back towards the garage, seeing Jace bouncing up and down on Alice's lap. She is smiling down at him. I look at the screen he is looking at and see Daniel set down a very fast time, putting himself on P1 for now.

"Jace, do you want to have a sleepover tonight?" I ask him when I get back to the two of them. Jace looks at me and nods.

"With who?" Jace asks me.

"With uncle Christian" I tell him. I can see Alice smiling at us. Jace refers to everyone as uncle or auntie. Except for Daniel, he's just Dany to Jace.

"Yes! I like Uncle Christian" Jace answers. I smile at him, before he jumps off of Alice's lap and sets himself in front of me. I pick him up and place him on my lap.

While watching, I grab my phone and scroll through my Twitter. I like to keep updated with the world, although half of the people I'm following have something to do with Formula 1. I see some tweets directed to Daniel, that make me frown.

Is Daniel Ricciardo a dad? He had a little boy on his lap today and reffering to someone as 'mommy'. What's going on?! danielricciardo

Does Daniel have a kid ?! ?! who the hell is the mom then? danielricciardo

that little boy looks so much like Daniel, i didn't know he had a kid.. danielricciardo

The boy looks quite big, has he kept this a secret for so long?! i know he is a private person, but didn't know he would lie to his fans.... danielricciardo

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