Chapter 8

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I slowly feel myself waking up. I press my head more into Daniel's chest, making sure I'm close to him. I can't really believe what happened last night, but I'm not about to complain.

But then I realize that he might not have wanted that, as he was drunk. Maybe he feels differently about me. Maybe I like him more than he likes me.

"I can feel you tensing up, what's wrong?" Daniel mumbles, barely awake. He keeps me close to him as he wakes up. Before I can answer, he asks me something else.

"Do you regret last night?" he asks, his voice soft with a hint of uncertainty.

"No, I don't regret it, do you?" I ask him back, opening my eyes to see his still closed. He smiles slightly, though.

I only regret one thing about last night, okay maybe 2" he starts and I start to feel nervous. That it was with me, maybe?

"That I was half drunk and that I never made a move before" Daniel says, making sure the nerves are gone again.

"Really?" I ask him. He nods, now opening his eyes, looking at me. He leans in and kisses me softly. It's just a quick kiss, as he pulls away seconds later.

"I've been into you for a long time now. But I never made a move before, because you started dating Chris and after that, you had Jace and it didn't make sense to make a move on you. I thought you never felt the same way for me, just seeing me as your best friend" Daniel says, moving his hand up to my cheek. His thumb moves over it.

"Before I started seeing Chris, I liked you as well. I started dating Chris because I thought it would get me over you. And it helped, slightly, but I never fell out of love with you, although I did love Chris as well. After having Jace, it was me who also thought you saw me as your best friend" I tell Daniel. He chuckles and shakes his head.

"We're so studid" he mumbles. I nod, while laughing a bit. We are. We never tried anything to figure the others feelings out.

I look down at Daniel's neck and start laughing louder. Daniel looks confused, frowning. There are about 3 very red and purple marks. I grab my phone, handing it to him so he can look. He chuckles at the sight.

"That's going to get me some questions, but atleast I'm not the only one having these" he says, handing the phone back so I can look. In my neck, there are 5 of them, but smaller than the ones Daniel has.

"What time is Christian bringing Jace back?" Daniel asks, pulling me closer to him. I snuggle into him, feeling relaxed and at ease.

"I am supposed to text him when I was awake. I guess I should do that now" I say, wanting to grab my phone. Daniel stops me, making sure I stay where I am.

"Let me, I'll tell him to bring him to my room" Daniel says. I nod slowly, closing me eyes and enjoying the moment.

A few minutes later, Daniel puts his phone down.

"He'll be here in 5 minutes" he whispers. My eyes widen and I pull away from Daniel. He chuckles and pulls me back.

"Relax" Daniel says. I shake my head.

"Dan, I only have my dress from last night here" I mumble.

"Just put on some of my clothes" Daniel says, letting me go as he also gets out of bed. He puts on sweatpants himself, not bothering on putting a shirt on. He walks to his suitcase and hands me another pair of sweatpants and a shirt. Just when I had put it on, there is a knock on the door. I look at Daniel, eyes wide. Daniel's team boss is about to find me with him, in his clothes. I quickly scramble all our of clothes and put it in a corner, so it won't really be visible. Daniel opens the door and lets Christian and Jace in.

"Mommy!" Jace yells, running over to me. I start smiling and lift him up, to hug him. I look up to Christian and I see him smirking at me. Daniel chuckles at Christian's reaction.

"You know, this, doesn't surprise me, at all" Christian says, pointing at Daniel and me. I just blushing, looking down at Jace, who is just looking at me with a smile on his face.

"Did you have fun with Christian?" I ask him, trying to change the subject. Jace nods his head heavily. I turn to Christian.

"Did he behave?" I ask him, putting Jace down so he can go and play.

"Yes, don't worry. I think he had a bad dream, though. When I wanted to wake him up, he stopped turning, so I let him sleep" Christian says. I nod slowly.

"He's been having nightmares a lot lately. I don't know why" I say, feeling my heart sink, knowing he's been dreaming weird.

"It'll be alright. Well, I'll let you guys get ready, we leave for the airport in an hour" Christian says, more to Daniel as well. Daniel nods and lets Christian out. When Daniel gets back, I just try gathering my clothes.

"I should go get ready with Jace" I say to him. He nods, kissing my cheek.

"I'll come get you in 50 minutes, okay?" Daniel asks me and I nod. I grab Jace and walk out of Daniel's room.


An hour  later, we're sitting in the cab. I have put some make-up on my marks, having my hair hung over it as well. Both Christian and Max are in the taxi as well, flying with us. The taxi starts driving away from the hotel. Jace is in my lap, fast asleep again.

"So, where did you two go to so early in the night?" Max suddenly asks, earning a chuckle from Christian. And here I was glad that Seb wasn't here so he couldn't ask questions. Max is just as bad.

"We were tired, went to sleep" Daniel says, only half lying.

"Liars, don't you think I have seen those big marks on your neck, Daniel? You didn't have them last night before you went away" Max says, smirking at Daniel, before giving me the same look. Before Daniel can say something, I speak up.

"We don't kiss and tell" I simply say. Daniel smiles at me, while Max just chuckles. I know that basically confirms it, but what else are we supposed to say ? I don't even know what's next for us.


Slightly shorter chapter, but that's because this is a bit of a fill in chapter. Hope you all still enjoy this story! :D

xxx <3

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