Chapter 13

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"Dan?! I called everyone, but no one is able to watch Jace tonight, so I have to bring him with us" I tell Daniel, who is putting a shirt on. He frowns.

"Did you call Christian as well?" he asks. I shake my head.

"I can't call Christian every time we decide we want to go out" I say to Daniel. I know that Christian loves Jace, but I can't make him watch Jace every weekend.

"Well, then take him, everyone loves him anyway" Daniel says, as he walks over to kiss my cheek. I smile at him, nodding. I look at Jace, who is still sprawled out on the bed, sleeping.

"Just get dressed, I'll handle Jace" Daniel tells me. I smile gratefull at him, walking over to my suitcase to grab clothes.
I do my makeup and brush through my hair. I decide to just let it go, as I don't want to spend any more time.

I walk out and see Jace sitting on Daniel's lap, dressed and ready. Daniel smiles at me.

"Can I sit with you tonight, Dany?" Jace asks. Although Daniel had told Jace he'll be his dad, Jace is sticking with Dany.

"Off course, bud. Are you excited, though?" Jace nods heavily. I giggle at the two of them, being cute together. I think it's great that Jace loves every driver. It makes it easy to take him with us.

"Are you ready?" I ask the two boys. Daniel nods, lifting Jace up. He grabs the hotel key and we get out.

Sebastian had texted Daniel the address of the restaurant, so we're walking towards it right now.
Jace is holding Daniel's hand as we're walking. We are taking it slow, as Jace can't really walk that fast.

"Daniel Ricciardo?!" is being yelled. We both turn around to see two girls standing there, fangirling. Daniel looks at me, unsure of what to do.

"Is that your son?" one of the girl asks Daniel. He looks down at Jace, who is looking really confused. I kneel down to him, pulling him into my arms as Daniel lets go of his hand.

"No, he is the son of my" he looks at me before he continues, unsure of what to call him. I just nod at him, telling him I'm okay with it.

"He's the son of my girlfriend" Daniel answers. The two girls giggle and nod. They then ask Daniel to sign some stuff.

"Your son is really cute" one of them tells me. I smile at her.

"Thank you" I say. She smiles and then pulls her friend with her, leaving us. Daniel lets out a heavy sigh.

"Let's get going then" he says, re-taking Jace's hand. Jace just continues walking, as if nothing happened.


We arrive at the restaurant a small 10 minutes later. We spot our friends, all sitting there. I notice a few missing, but no extra seats, so they must have not wanted to come. We greet everyone, Jace hugging every driver he knows.

"I think Dan has met him, but Allison, this is Stoffel, he is taking Fernando's place this weekend" Jenson says, pointing to the guy sitting next to him. He smiles at me and holds out his hand for my to shake. I do say, smiling back.

"Hi, I'm Allison!" I tell him.
"And this is Jace" I say, as Jace is next to me with Daniel. Jace waves at Stoffel, who waves back with a bright smile.

"I have heard a lot about him" Stoffel says, as Jace has gone to Max and Femke. Femke seems more relaxed now, having met everyone.

It's Jenson, Stoffel, Seb, Max, Femke, Nico, Daniel, Jace and I. I sit in between Femke and Daniel, while Jace sits on Daniel's lap.

We order food and drinks, talking about various things, some of the drivers trying to get to know Femke. Stoffel on the other hand, is trying to get to Jace's good side.

"Who do you think is the best, Jace?" he asks. Jace looks up at him, before pointing to Daniel.

"Dany!" he says with it, making everyone smile.

"Who do you think is best?" Jace asks back.

"To be honest, I'll totally go with you on that one, Dany is one of the best" he says, while smiling. That, off course, got him to be Jace's new best friend. And Daniel's.

"You're forgetting a certain 4 time world champion" Seb mumbles, looking disappointed. I giggle at him.

"I think you're the best, Seb" I tell him, making him smile. Jace on the other hand, does not agree.

"Mommy! Dany is the best!" Jace protests. I just kiss his head and he just leans against Daniel, pouting at me.

Not even half an hour later, Jace is fast asleep. As everyone is talking, I can't stop looking at the way Daniel is holding Jace. So protective, so father-like.

"Jace is amazing" Stoffel suddenly says. I look up at him.

"He really is" I answer. I look down at my boy. I sometimes can't believe that I made him.

"He looks a lot like his father" he says as well. I frown and look up.

"Daniel is not his real father" I say, feeling now Daniel's eyes on me. Stoffel frowns, looking at the two boys sitting together. That makes me look as well. Jace does look like Daniel, but Chris is Jace's father.

"Jace dad died 3 years ago" Daniel says. Max looks at Daniel and he frowns. I have no idea why, but I don't want to ask right now. Maybe Daniel has talked about the way he felt about Chris.

"Oh, I'm sorry" Stoffel says, looking down.

"It's okay" I say, not wanting him to feel bad. He smiles slightly at me, before the others try to change the subject.

"Are you okay?" Daniel softly asks me. I just nod, not really knowning how I feel. It keeps coming back to me, my boyfriend dying. I can't escape it.

"Are you sure? We can head back if you want too" Daniel says.

"I'm fine" I snap. He looks sad, but nods. I am just frustrated. My son has lost his father and everyone thinks Daniel is his dad.

Maybe it's my own fault, having them two so much together. People only see Daniel around and assume he must he the father.

"Al?" I look up at Seb, who asked me a question that I did not hear.

"I asked if you're excited for the race on sunday" Seb asks again.

"Yeah, really excited" I say, putting on a fake smile. I sometimes feel like I can't handle it anymore.

I just sometimes need Chris.

I'm sorry for the slow update! I have been really busy with my other story!

I'm sorry for any errors, I wrote it on my phone!

Hope you all liked it!


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