Chapter 6

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The guys all stare at me as I feel Daniel squeezing my hand. I'm waiting for someone to say anything, but everyone stays silent, until Jenson starts talking.

"I had no idea, but I'm very glad you told us. I have always admired you, how you handle Jace alone and sure Daniel helps, but he isn't always there. Jace doesn't have a father figure in his life and I always thought you did an amazing job. But now knowing what the whole reason behind him not having a dad is, god, you are an amazing person" Jenson says. I feel myself tearing up.

"Yeah, honestly, you are amazing. I can't imagine going through that and raising a kid, but you did it. You raised an amazing one as well. But it is clear to me that you are amazing, honestly" Seb says. I squeeze his hand, which is still holding mine.

"Any guy would be lucky to be with you. You deserve the best and I hope you get the best. But seriously, if you ever need help with anything, you know where to find me" Nico says.

"I now also see why Daniel is such a big influence. He is the only one there for Jace as you are there for him. But damn, you did a great job. Jace is an amazing boy, just as amazing as his mommy" Lewis says. Daniel kisses my cheek.

"God, I'm proud of you" he tells me. I smile at him and kiss his cheek back. I look at all the men that are sitting with me at this table and feel incredibly lucky.

"Okay, now that I told you this, let's talk about happier things, please" I say, wanting to get rid of this emotional moment. I'm not good with those and I know Daniel knows this.

"Remember when you and Jace came home with me to my parents? I think my mum had a heart attack, thinking Jace was mine" Daniel says, laughing at the memory. I can clearly see it happening in my head.

Jace was  on my hip as I walked into Daniel's house next to him. I had met his parents before, as we've been best friends, but this was the first time they would see Jace. They didn't know I had a baby either, so when we walked in together with a kid, they instantly thought Daniel and I had hooked up, getting a baby.

"That was so funny, but so awkward. Your mum didn't believe us for a solid 20 minutes. She thought you were covering your ass up and then I had to tell her what happened, which made her believe us" I say. The guys laugh as well. I look down to my lap, seeing Jace sleeping, but he is trying to turn, thinking he is in a bed.

"Hey guys, do you all mind if we go to someone's room so Jace can properly sleep? We can keep talking and stuff there" I ask them. Everyone agrees and we go to my room, as Jace's stuff is there. Being here with Daniel means he arranged our room, which means it's big.

When we're back at the hotel, I quickly put on Jace's pyjama's and put him too bed. Luckily, he stays asleep through it all. I close the bedroom door and join the others. We sit down and drink something.

"So, I've always been curious. Have you two ever hooked up?" Sebastian asks, pointing to Daniel and me. I choke on my water and Daniel laughs at me, but also at the question.

"No mate, never. We never kissed or done anything else for that matter" Daniel answers, as I try to collect myself.

"Shame, I would've known if Allison was my best friend" Lewis says, smirking. I blush and look somewhere else that isn't one of the guys.

"I mean, for us, it's just weird. We became best friends a long time ago and she soon started dating Chris and I started hooking up with random guys. When we both were single, Jace was there, so it was just never even an option for us to hook up" Daniel explains. We never even talked about it. I've never seen Daniel like that.

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