Chapter 12

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We arrived in Bahrain yesterday. Today is the first car day for everyone. Today is also the day Femke is arriving. She got a day of from school, so she could stay the entire weekend. She will text me when she lands, so I'll go get her. Alice made sure that someone will take me to the airport and drives us back to the track.

I'm standing in Daniel's side of the garage right now. According to Daniel, Max has been slightly grumpy, because Femke had told him she couldn't make it.

Jace is once again running around the garage, trying to see everything that is happening. Daniel is talking to Jacob and Roy, about his car and what to do in the first practice session. My phone buzzes and I quickly look at the text.

Femke : hey! I landed, will take me about 30/40 minutes to be out! xx

Me : okay, i'll be there! x

When I see that Daniel is still deep in conversation, I walk to Alice, who is also in the garage.

"I'm going to get Femke now, can you watch Jace?" she nods and walks over to Jace as I walk out of the garage. I walk to Emmett, who will drive me to and back from the airport.


A little while later, I'm standing outside the car, waiting for Femke. It's been an half hour since her text, so she can come out any minute now. I'm just looking through my social media feed, sometimes glancing up to see if she's already there.

5 more minutes later and I see the blonde coming towards me. She is wearing a big smile, but you can see the tiredness in her eyes. I put my arms around her and pull her close.

"Hi!" she says, sounding very excited. I smile at her as we pull away.

"Hi! How are you, how was your flight?" I ask her, while Emmett puts her suitcase in the trunk of the car and we both get in.

"I am fine, thank you. The flight was alright, I'm just so tired now" she says, leaning back against the seat in the car.

"I can imagine. I haven't seen Max myself today yet, but according to Daniel, he had been grumpy" I tell Femke, making her laugh.

"He is so impatient. He is pretty fast disappointed as well. I hope that he can puts his frustration away for the practice" Femke says, but the smile is clear on her face. Unfortunately, we'll arrive after the first practice is done.

"He'll be alright. The team will make sure he is concentrating. I think they'll be done with interviews when we arrive back" I tell her. She smiles brightly and nods. I look at my phone and see texts from Daniel, asking where the hell I am. I just ignore them, looking outside and sometimes talking to Femke.

We walk into Daniel's side of the garage and he isn't back yet, so I'm guessing Max isn't either.

"Mommy!" I hear loudly. Jace comes running towards me, making me smile brightly. I kneel down and lift him up, hugging his body close to mine. He puts his tiny arms around my neck, pressing a kiss against my cheek. I turn around to Femke, who is smiling at us.

"So, this is my son, Jace. Jacey, meet Femke" I tell him. He looks up and smiles at Femke. She holds out her hand and Jace shakes it.

"Do you know who she's here for?" I ask Jace. He shakes his head, looking at me with curiousity in his eyes.

"Uncle Max" I tell him, making his eyes light up.

"Can I see uncle Max?!" Jace asks, all excited now. He hasn't seen Max either, but he wants too. Femke laughs at Jace's reaction.

"Jace is very much attached to Max already, it's amazing. He is so good with him" I tell Femke, who can only smile. I hear voices coming from just inside the garage, two accents. An Australian and a Dutch one. The two team mates walk into the garage. Max freezes when he sees Femke standing with me.

I can see Jace unsure of who to call out first, but he decides on the safe side.

"DANY!" he yells. Daniel chuckles and walks past Max towards me. He takes Jace from me and gives me a quick kiss. He then turns to a hugging Max and Femke.

"So that's what you were doing, you sneaky little thing" Daniel says to me. I giggle and kiss his cheek. Femke turns to us and introduces herself to Daniel. When Max is standing in front of us as well, Jace holds out his arms to him. Max gladly takes him and starts talking to him.

"How did practice go?" I ask Daniel, remembering I wasn't there to watch it.

"It went alright. Max and I finished P4 and 5, me off course the better one" Daniel says with a grin on his face. Max just shakes his head. Femke laughs at the two of them.

"Jacey?!" someone calls. Jace looks up from Max and sees Seb walking towards him. Jace gets excited and starts smiling very brightly.

"UNCLE SEB!" Jace tells back. Max chuckles and hands Jace to Seb, Jace hugging Seb rather tightly. Seb smiles and turns to all of us, giving my cheek a kiss, before turning to Femke.

"Hi, I'm Sebastian" he says, holding out his hand, which she shakes.

"I'm Femke, Max's girlfriend" she says, introducing herself. Seb nods with a smile, before looking at Daniel.

"Are you guys joining us for dinner tonight? I think Nico, Lewis, Jenson and Kimi are joining as well. Plus, Jenson is bringing his team mate for this weekend, as Fernando can't drive due to his accident from last weekend" Seb asks us. He also looks at Max, who instantly looks at Femke. She smiles slightly.

"I would love too, Al?" Daniel asks me. I nod with a smile.

"Sure, would be awesome!" I reply, which makes Seb smile. He then turns to Max and Femke. I look at Femke and notice she is unsure.

"Don't worry, Femke, I'll be there. Besides, the guys are really sweet" I tell her. She then nods slowly, making all of us smile.

"Okay, so 7 O'clock in the hotel restaurant!" Seb says, putting Jace down and walking away. I hear Femke sigh, looking nervous about meeting more drivers. Max notices to and to my surprise, Jace does too. Jace walks over to Femke and poking her leg, so she looks down at him.

"Uncle Seb, uncle Nico, uncle Lewis and uncle Jenson are very nice" he says, making her smile. I almost melt as I see how cute he is right now.

"And uncle Max is very nice as well" he then says, making Max smile.

"Thank you buddy" he says back to Jace, who is still looking at Femke. Femke kneels down to his level. Jace immediately puts his arms around her, giving her a small hug.

"It will be alright auntie Femmy" Jace says. I can only smile as I look at them. I feel Daniel's hand finding mine, holding it tightly in his.

"You have the sweetest son, ever" he mumbles to me. No one else hears it, so I just smile at him. He is right. Jace is amazing.

"Thank you, Jace. I feel much better" Femke tells the little boy, who is now once again smiling at her. Jace turns back to me and I lift him up, while Max puts his arm around Femke. I kiss Jace's head, as he leans onto my shoulder, closing his eyes.


God, I can only imagine everything happening!

Hope you enjoyed this once again!

xxxx <3

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