Chapter 14

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Daniel just finished his race, coming in P4, which is very good. Max finished P3, which is a podium in his first race for Red Bull! Femke is very excited, cheering on her man.

"He did great!" I tell her, as we walk back to the garage. We watched from the hospitality area.

"Yes! Daniel did good as well!" Femke says, smiling at me. I nod, holding onto Jace's hand. My phone starts ringing. I grab my phone from my back pocket and frown when the number is unknown.

"Hello?" I ask into the speaker as I pick up.

"Allison?" I freeze, stopping with walking. Femke turns around and frowns.

"Is that you, Alli?" the voice asks again. I seem the unfreeze and look back at Femke.

"Yes, it's me" I say softly.

"How are you, baby?" she asks me and this time, instead of  freezing, I get angry. I put my hand on the speaker, turning to Femke.

"Can you get Jace to the garage and tell Dan I'll be right there?" I ask her. She nods and takes Jace's hand. I wait until they can't hear me anymore.

"How am I?! You could've called me 3 fucking years ago and asked me the same question" I answer, anger clear in my voice.

"I know and I'm so sorry. I never realized what I did and after it happened, I, we thought it was to late" she explains herself.

"And what makes you think you're not to late now?" I ask, looking around for any media figures. Luckily, everyone is at the podium.

"Well, I don't know. I just saw you with your son on TV. It made me think about how much I miss you" she says. I feel myself calming down.

"I saw you were with Daniel. How is he?" she asks, but I know better. She never was Daniel's biggest fan.

"Yeah, I am. He is great, just came in 4th in a race" I say, realizing how much I miss my mum.

"That is great! Listen, do you maybe want to come to Australia, so we can meet Jace, that is if it's not to late" my mum asks me. I take a deep breath.

"I'll take to Daniel. We have two weeks until the next race, so I guess we could"

"You're bringing Daniel?" her mum asks.

"Yes, I'll text you later when we're coming"

"Okay, I missed you darling" she says, making me sigh even more.

"I missed you too, mum. Bye" I hang up and start walking back to the garage. I spot Daniel talking to Jace, while Femke is talking to members of the team, waiting for Max to come back. Daniel looks up and smiles when he sees me.

"There she is!" he says. I give him a quick kiss, slightly distracted.

"You did great!" I tell him. He smiles at me, proud of his acievement.

"Listen, someone just called me" I say, wanting to tell him straight away. I actually really want to go home.

"Who was it?" Daniel asks, looking worried. Jace is now sitting on the floor, playing with a little car.

"My mum. She wants me to come back home, so they can meet Jace" I say, as Daniel's eyes widen.

"Dan, I really want to go" I say, feeling meself getting nervous about his reaction. I soon realize I have nothing to be nervous about, as he starts smiling sweetly at me.

"Then we leave now" he says, giving my head a kiss. I smile at him.

"Thank you" I whisper. He nods and goes to talk to team members about when we can leave, which turns out, is pretty soon.

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