Chapter 11

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Daniel's POV

After finally being done with everything at the Factory, we're back at the appartment. Max went along, staying for dinner and just chilling. The team wants us to get to know each other a bit better and we don't mind.

Allison is making dinner right now and Jace is helping her. Max and I are sitting on the couch, just talking about stuff.

"By the way, why did Jace call you his dad?" Max suddenly asks. I remember Max looking so confused when he did that.

"So, Allison and I officially got together last night and this morning, Jace asked her if I was his dad, so I told Jace that if he wants me to be, I'll be his dad" I tell Max, thinking back at that moment. Jace seemed so happy, finally being able to call someone his dad.

"And you're sure that you're not his real dad?" Max asks. It's a question I didn't suspect, so I just frown. I don't know what to answer, because quite frankly, I don't know the answer. I decide that if Max is going to let this go, I have to tell him a story.

"Okay, so I need to tell you something that you can't tell anyone, not even Allison" I start, making Max frown too. He nods, though. I do hope I can trust him.

"So, as you know, Allison and I have never hooked up, or atleast, she believes that. She forgot about something. I didn't know she did, but her reaction when Seb asked that a few days ago, proved it even more. I had suspected her not knowing it anymore when she told me she was pregnant and said Chris was the dad, but I never asked her, scared of her reaction.

Thing is, we did hook up, once, while we were drunk. I remember it, but she doesn't. She was with Chris at that point  and he was possesive as fuck back then, so she didn't want to tell him, scared of what he would do. The next day, I wanted to talk to her about it, knowing she was my best friend and I didn't know how it would affect us. When I saw her, she seemed fine and nothing was different, so I decided not to say anything. I thought that maybe if I did, it would ruin things between us. I had always believed that Chris was the father, as there was no reason for me to believe that it was mine. But then when Jace was growing up, he looked more like me than he looked like Chris. Allison has no clue on why that is possible, as she doesn't remember it, but I now have my doubts. I just don't know for sure if Jace is mine or Chris. He does have some things that look like Chris, but then again, it could also be from Allison" I finish the story. Max's eyes are wide and he stays silent for about a minute.

"Dude, Jace has dark curls and a slightly tanned skin. His grin is an exact copy of yours. How can he not be yours?" Max then asks. I sigh and nod slowly.

"That's what I thought. But how the hell am I going to tell Allison that we did hook up and that I'm 80% sure that I'm Jace's real dad?" I ask him. Before he can answer, Jace walks up to us.

"Dinner is ready!" he tells us. I chuckle and Max and I follow him to the table, where Allison is putting the food on the plates.

Allison's POV

We're eating and talking about different things. Max and Daniel seem to be doing really well in the becoming friends department. We talk about us growin up and Daniel and Max share stories about racing.

"Isn't it weird being away from your parents, Allison?" Max asks. I look at him with a small smile.

"Not really. I have no contact with my parents, so it's no different for me" I say, making Max frown.

"I'm sorry for asking" he answers, sounding sad.

"Don't worry about it! Ever since I got pregnant, my parents kicked me out, saying I was a disgrace for the family and wasn't allowed near them again. My world was a mess back then. I lived with Daniel for a while before getting my own appartment. I'm used to it by now, so don't worry about it!" I explain to him. He nods slowly and keeps on eating.

"So, do you have a special lady in your life?" Daniel asks Max. He immediately starts blushing. Daniel and I grin at each other, knowing the answer.

"Tell us about her" I say to Max. He starts smiling.

"Her name is Femke, she is 18  and is from my home country. We've been dating for 2 months now or something. I want her to come to more races, but she has school still. She is graduating in July, so maybe she can come to more races in the second half of the season" Max starts.

"Can't she come when she has vacation or something ? Or only Saturday and Sunday?" I ask him. He nods slowly.

"Yeah, I asked her to be there for my first race for Red Bull. She said that she'd try, but she doesn't know if she'll make it, because of exams and stuff. I think that it might also be because she's scared to meet people she doesn't know" Max says. I can imagine that. I just smile at Max.

"Tell her she'll have me. I'll be nice to her, I promise" I say, causing him to laugh.

"I'll tell her when I talk to her. I really hope she can be there. It'd be so nice" Max says, looking at me and then at Daniel.

"I'm jealous that you can be around Dan the entire time" he says, getting a sad smile on his face. I feel my heart sink slightly. It must be so frustrating for him, knowing I'll be here the entire season and his girlfriend can't be there much.

"Could I maybe have her number? Maybe if I get to know her, she won't be so afraid to come, as she would know my already" I tell him. Max smiles at me.

"Yes, I'll send you the contact later. That'd be great if you could do that" he says, his sad smile slightly faded away.

"That's okay" I answer, already having a little plan in mind.


Later that night, I'm just laying in bed. Daniel has already fallen asleep. I save Femke's number in my phone and start texting her.

Me : hi! you don't know me yet, but I'm Allison. I'm a friend of Max! I'm also his team mates girlfriend

Femke : oh hi!

Me : Max told us that you don't know anyone from the racers and plus ones, so I thought I could talk to you so you know me! :D

Femke : that's really sweet of you! oh hold on

Femke : aren't you the one with the sweet kid?

Me : that's me aha!

Femke : Max talks about him a lot! i can't wait to meet him!

Me : yeah, about that!

Me : i might have a small idea

Femke : talk to me!


Chapter done! slight plot twist happening here!

Hope everyone is still enjoying this story! Thank for all for the support so far! <3 xxxxx

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