Chapter 10

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I turn off the lights in the room where Jace is sleeping. I soflty close the door, trying not to wake him up. I make your way back to the livingroom, where Daniel is laying om the couch, watching some TV.

When he sees me, he lifts his head up, so I can sit down. He lays his head in my head, my fingers finding it's way to his hair. As he is watching TV and I'm playing with his soft curls, I can't help but wonder what the hell is going on between us.

"Dan?" I ask him. I don't usually call him Dan, I normally just use his whole name, so calling him Dan sounds weird.

"Yeah?" He looks up, turning his body so his eyes meet mine. I smile slightly at him, before asking him what I want.

"What are we?" I ask him. He frowns but starts smiling anyway.

"What do you want us to be?" he asks me. I look down at him.

"Wasn't that clear last night?" I ask him, thinking back about our night together in Australia. Daniel chuckles, but sits up, so we can talk properly.

"I want you to be my girlfriend. I want you to be there every morning when I wake up and every night when I fall asleep. I want to know that you are in my arms when I need you too. I want to be the one that makes sure you are alright and that Jace is alright. I want to be the one who comforts you when you have a nightmare or when you just had a bad day. And I want you to be the one I can go to when I had a bad day. I know half of those things are already happening, but some aren't and I want nothing more than to be with you. So, Alli, do you want to be my girlfriend?" Daniel finishes his little speech with that question, making me smile brightly.

"Off course I want too, Dan" I say. He starts grinning and leans towards me, kissing me softly.

"And, I want all of those things you named as well. I want to be the one you can complain to when your race didn't go so well or when another driver caused problems for you. I want to be the one who makes sure you feel at home even when we aren't. Because you are my home, Dan" I tell him. He kisses me once again, pulling me close.

"One less thing" I mumble against his lips, Daniel pulls away and nods, wanting me to tell him.

"How are we going to tell Jace, or do you nog want to tell him?" I ask him, thinking about how weird it must be for Jace, seeing his mom and best friend be so close together.

"Look, I've always been there for Jace, so we should just act natural around him, showing him what is happening between us, but not really telling him. He won't really understand anyway" Daniel says. He has a point. I agree with that and smile.


I wake up the next day to an empty bed. I frown as I sit up, seeing Daniel's side of the bed empty. I then hear noises coming from the kitchen. I quickly pull on some sweats and the shirt Daniel wore yesterday, as it was still laying on the floor. I grab my phone from the charger, before making my way to the kitchen.

Jace and Daniel are making breakfast together, talking softly. I smile at the two of them. Jace is handing stuff to Daniel, while he is doing the cooking part.

"Good morning" I say, making the two of them look up. Daniel grins at me, seeing as I'm wearing his shirt. Jace runs over to me, holding his arms up. I lean down and pick him up, putting him on my hip. I kiss the top of his head while I walk towards Daniel. He is making pancakes and the entire kitchen smells of Vanilla.
I turn my head to Daniel, kissing him quickly.

"Good morning, how'd you sleep?" Daniel asks me. I smile at him, feeling Jace's eyes on us.

"Really well, you?" He nods, telling me he slept well as well. I then look at Jace.

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