Chapter 16

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Daniel and I are sitting at the doctors. Jace is on my lap, slightly tired. We left Chris at home. We two need to figure this out. He has no right to be here, having pretended to be dead for 3 years.

"Ricciardo?" a woman asks, looking around. Daniel stands up and looks back at me. I lift Jace up on my hip and walk with the woman and Daniel. She leads us to a room and closes the door.

"So, I read that you're here for a test, to see if you are the biological father of this little boy here, right?" the doctor asks Daniel. He nods with a small smile.

"Alright. So what's going to happen is that I take a DNA sample of you and of the little boy and we send it to a lab. In about 4 days, we call you back in to talk about the result. Is everything clear or do you have any questions?" we both shake our heads.

"What is his name?" the doctor asks, looking at Jace.

"Jace" I say with a smile. She nods and  kneels down, so she is Jace's level. He looks at her with a smile himself.

"Hi Jace. I'm doctor Anne" Jace smiles at her and shakes her hand when she extends it to him.

"Do you want to do something for me?" doctor Anne asks Jace. Jace nods.

"Could you open your mouth slightly?" he does so. Anne grabs a cotton swap and runs it over the inside of his cheek. Jace just stays still. Anne smiles at him as she puts the swap in a plactic bag.

"Thank you very much, Jace" she says. Jace just leans into me, exhausted. Anne then grabs another swap and walks over to Daniel. Daniel just opens his mouth as well, as she repeats the procedure with Daniel. She writes their names on the bags as well.

"So, I'll give you a call in about 4 days. I'll see you then" Anne says. We say goodbye and walk out of the office.


4 days later, Daniel, Jace and I are back in the office of doctor Anne. Daniel's leg is bouncing up and down and I'm just staring at Jace. Anne had told us to wait in the office, as she was getting the results from the reception. She said she hadn't seen it yet, just heard it was here.

Anne walks into her office, smiling slightly at the three of us. Jace is now smiling at her, much more alive than he was when we were last in here. He is finally adjusted to the Australian time zone.

"So, I just read the results as well, so I know what I'm talking about. I am not going to talk much around it, because I'm sure you two just want to know" she starts, opening the file as well, just to be sure, I guess. She then looks at Daniel.

"Daniel, the match was positive, which means you are Jace's biological father" Anne says. My eyes widen and I look at Daniel, who is wearing the same expression. His shocked face soon turns into a happy one. He looks at me, grinning widely.

"I'm his dad" Daniel mumbles, not being able to really say much. I start smiling as well. I hold back my tears. How awkward would it be if I started crying in Anne's office.

"Thank you so much" Daniel tells Anne. She smiles at us.

"I want to wish you the best of luck. I have a copy of the results for you, so you can change Jace's birth certificate. Really, good luck" Anne says and hands Daniel the copy. We thank her once again, before walking out of the office. Once we're safely in the car, I start crying. Daniel pulls in a hug, while Jace just looks at us confused.

"I'm so happy" Daniel says to me, holding me close to him.

"I am too. I love you" I tell him, without thinking about it.

"I love you too" Daniel replies. I look at Jace. He is now smiling at us. His mum and dad. Daniel is his dad.

"Jacey, are you ready to see your uncles?" Daniel asks him. He nods with a big grin.


We walk into the house. Chris is sitting on the couch, so are my parents. They look at us, waiting for us to say something.

"Well, say hi to Jace Ricciardo" I say, smiling at Daniel, who is now lifting up Jace. My mum's eyes widen, so does Chris'.

"Daniel is the father?" my mum asks me. I nod.

"He is" I say, standing next to him. My mum gets an angry expression on her face.

"Get out" she says. I smile, this time not letting her get to me.

"Oh believe me, I am not staying here any longer than I need. We are just here to grab our stuff again. Really mum, you should not be allowed to call yourself a mother. Don't bother ever calling me again, because I won't need you anymore" I say, glarring at her. I grab the bag I had already gotten ready this morning. Daniel opens the front door and smiles at Chris.

I don't say anything to him, I just walk out of my child hood's house with my son and his father, my boyfriend.

We drive to my house, where we'll be staying until we fly back to Europe. Daniel sets up his laptop, ready to Skype some of our closest friends. He calls Max, Seb, Jenson, Lewis and Nico in a skype group call. Slowly, they all answer.

"Now that everyone answered, we have to tell you something" Daniel starts off. Everyone is listening, confused to what we possible are going to tell him.

"Jace has a different last name" I say, making them even more confused.

"Meet Jace Ricciardo" Daniel says, lifting Jace onto his lap. Jace's eyes widen, seeing all his favorite people on the screen.

"You're his dad?!" Max yells, the only one who knew the story from Daniel.

"You're what?" Seb asks, making me chuckle.

"He is. Daniel is Jace's dad" I say, kissing Daniel's cheek. Max is cheering, as the others are confused.

"Daniel, tell them the story" I say and so he does. Now that we have told our friends, the only thing we have to do now is tell the world.



So, this story is just not really working out for me. Since a couple of chapters, I have not felt happy with it. I don't really know why, but I just don't like it.

So I've decided to turn this into a short story. Next chapter will be the last one! I'm so sorry I let everyone down who was liking this story!


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