Chapter 3

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Together with Daniel, Nico, Sebastian and Lewis, Jace and I make our way over to the lunch room. We all sit down at a table. I put Jace on my lap, as tiredness takes over him once again. He leans his head against my arm as his eyes are closed.

"He's growning so fast. Last time we saw him was Abu Dhabi, I think?" Nico says to me. I nod, remembering how long it has been between the last time I saw them and now. It feels like ages and I think it really has been ages. Abu Dhabi was in November and it is now March.

"He is. He's getting very big and a bit heavier than the last time I had to carry him around when we were at a race" I answer while laughing a bit. The last time he was sleeping almost the entire time, so I carried him everywhere. He was about half the size and weight he is now.

"I can imagine. If he's getting to heavy, just let one of us carry him" Nico says to me with a smile. That makes me think back about Twitter. I look slightly at Daniel, who hasn't looked at his phone yet.

"Yeah, wouldn't be the best idea" I say. All the boys frown and Daniel looks at me.

"Why? Did something happen?" he asks me. I grab my phone and open Twitter for him, scrolling to where the tweets are. I hand him my phone and he reads through them. His frown grows everytime he reads another tweet.

"So you don't like it that they think I'm the father of Jace?" he asks me softly. The others are just looking at me. They don't really know why Jace's father isn't around. I never told anyone around here, except for Daniel. The others don't have to know.

"No it's not that I don't like it. I just don't want you to get trouble with it. Your fans are angry with you because they think you lied to them. I don't want that happening with every one here" I say to him. He nods slowly and now grabs his own phone. He types away and he shows me his phone when he's done.

danielricciardo : hey guys! so i read some of your tweets about the little boy this morning. just a heads up, he is not my son. he's the son of the very good friend of mine, who is here. not lying to you all xxx

I smile at him.

"Look, I don't really care what people say. I love Jace and you a lot and if people think I'm his dad, so be it" he says.

"And I don't think they're going to think we're all his dad" Seb says. I giggle at that. Imagine if they did.

"True, but I just don't want you all to get into to much trouble. I do know where to find you to baby sit though" I say and smile at them all. We soon order food and eat it. The boys have to get back to their teams soon, before practice 2 starts.

Nico and Lewis are the first ones to leave for their garage, Daniel following soon, as he has some other things to do. Before Seb leaves, he gives me a quick hug.

"The thing Daniel isn't saying, but I think you should know is that he would love to be called Jace's dad. We can all see that he threats Jace like his own, so for him, it doesn't really make a differene" he says to me. Seb has always been good with words, and it's spot on again. I give him a hug again.

"Thank you" I tell him. He smiles and says bye to me, before walking away. I lift Jace up again, deciding it's better to go to the hotel so he can sleep properly.


When I'm done getting ready for dinner, I twirl in front of the mirror. I'm wearing a dress for the first time in like forever. The top half is white and the bottum half is green-ish. I'm wearing heels and some bracelets. My hair is just hanging over my shoulder. I've done my make-up a bit more dramatic than usually.

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