Chapter 17

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Daniel and I are sitting on the couch in my house in Perth. We fly back to Europe tomorrow morning, but Daniel wants to put everything out there before we do.

So right now, Daniel has tweeted that he'd do a Livestream. We are setting up for that right now. Jace is still asleep, so Daniel is going to start of by normal questions before we tell.

I am nervous, very nervous. A couple of weeks ago, people had asked if Jace was Daniel's and we both said no. Now we're telling the world that he is his. I just hope his fans react well. The other drivers did, so that is a good start.

"Are you ready, Alli?" Daniel asks me. I nod and smile at him. Daniel kisses me softly, before turning on the camera and starting the Livestream.

"Hello everyone, Daniel Ricciardo here. I'm here with my beautiful girlfriend, Allison. We thought we'd answer some of your questions this way!" Daniel starts and reads the comments that have questions.

"How long have you been together?" Daniel asks outloud, smiling at me.

"Not that long. But we've known each other for quiet a while now. We've been together for about 3 weeks now, but we've known each other for 20 years or something" Daniel says, while smiling at me. I nod, agreeing with his answer.

"Allison, what is your favorite part of Daniel? In and out" Daniel says.

"From the outside, his incredible grin. I love his smile and I can watch it the entire day, which sounds creepy. Anyway, my favorite part from his personality. That has got to be that he cares for everyone. He always wants to help people that need it. He does everything for someone he cares for and that still amazes me. He is there for the people he loves and I love that" I say and smile to Daniel. Daniel grins and reads out another question.

"Why haven't you gotten together any sooner?" Daniel chuckles after reading that question.

"We would have, if we both weren't so stupid to deny the feelings we had to each other. We've talked about this before, and we both admitted to have had feelings a couple of years ago, but we both thought the other wouldn't like us back, which we did, so yeah" Daniel explains.

"Mommy?" I hear Jace call. Daniel just keeps answering questions and I get Jace, carrying him to the couch. Jace smiles at Daniel as I set him down between us.

"Right, now that Jace is here, Allison and I want to talk to you all about something. The first time Jace was linked to me was in Australia, about a month ago. You all had asked if Jace was mine, and both Allison and I had answered with a no. At that time, we both believed that to be true. Allison brought out the story that Jace's father had died in a plane crash, 3 years ago. Also something we both believed was true. Then, about a week ago, Allison got a call from her mum, asking her to come to Australia. At this point, we just thought it was because they had never seen Jace before. So, the three of us travelled to Australia" Daniel starts, as he now looks at me.

"When we got here, my mum looked genuinly happy to meet Jace, although she didn't like me being with Dan. She then brought someone out. It turned out to be my ex boyfriend, the man who I thought was dead for 3 years. The man who wasn't here for his son, or atleast, I thought it was his son" I say now, looking back at Daniel, who is going to finish the story.

"A lot of people always told Allison how much Jace looked like me when I was around and it made her confused. She was convinced that Chris, the one who was supposed to be dead, was Jace's father. I just remembered something she didn't. There were more and more signs that Chris would not be the father. So, I guess what we want to say is, that I am Jace's father" Daniel says smiling brightly. By now, we've legally changed Jace's name to Jace Ricciardo. So I lift Jace onto my lap and make him look into the camera.

"Everyone, meet Jace Ricciardo" I say, smiling at my son, who smiles brightly in the camera. Daniel starts reading comments and smiles.

"About half the people here are saying how much he looks like me" Daniel says, smiling proudly.

"Jace, say hi to everyone" I tell him. Jace puts his little hand up and waves.

"Hi!" he says, all excited. Even if he just woke up, he is excited as hell. Daniel chuckles and takes him from me, putting him into his own lap.

"I just want to say that when we did say no about this, we were convinced it was the truth. I want you all to know that it was never my intention to lie to you all" Daniel says, while looking down at his son.

"Jace, do you want to tell everyone what your daddy is called?" I ask Jace. Jace looks up to Daniel.

"DANY!" he yells, making both of us laugh. Daniel grabs his phone and takes a picture of the three of us.

He posts it on Twitter.

danielricciardo : for everyone who is not watching my Livestream! Meet my family, my beautiful girlfriend Allison Cooper and my beautiful SON, Jace Ricciardo <3

Everyone seems the react great to it. Everyone is saying how cute we look, how cute Jace is and how happy we look. And that's what I am. Happy. I'm happier than I've ever been. I feel like this is just the start of an amazing life. I feel like Daniel, Jace and I can conquer the world. I feel like anything is possible, with these amazing men by my side.

Our life together is just starting, but it will be a beautiful life, with beautiful people.


So, this is the end of Saviour! :(

Again, I am so sorry that I ended the story this soon.. I do hope you all liked this chapter!

I am going to be posted another Daniel Ricciardo story soon, but I don't know when yet! I want to thank everyone for supporting this story! I love you all!

xxxxxxx <3

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