Chapter 4

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After dinner, I decide to just pick up Jace. Christian has a important day tomorrow as well and I didn't want to be cause of a sleepless Christian.

After picking him up, I put him to bed and joined him straight away, hugging his body close to mine, feeling my own eyes get heavy.

An hour later, I wake up due to a shaking Jace. I can hear him sniffing. I open my eyes and kiss his head.

"What's wrong, baby?" I ask him.

"I had a bad dream" he whispers.

"What was it about?" I ask him, making sure I have him as close to me as possible.

"It was about Dany. I dreamt that he crashed and died in the race car. Dany is still here, right?" I feel my heart sink.

"He is still here, Jacey. Do you want me to call him?" Jace nods his head. I grab my phone and see that it is 12 o'clock. Daniel is probably asleep but won't be to tired if I wake him up. I quickly dial his number and he picks up quickly.

"Alli? Is everything alright?" I hear the Australian ask.

"I am alright. Jace just had a very bad dream about you and was afraid you wouldn't be alive anymore. Could you talk to him?" I ask Daniel. I hear a soft sigh coming from Daniel.

"I'm on my way" he says.

"No wait, Dan. I didn't mean" that's all I can say before the call ends. I put my phone away and look at Jace.

"Dany is coming" I tell him. Jace smiles a bit. I try whiping as many tears away as I can. A few minutes later, I can hear a knock on the door. I get out of bed and open the door to find Daniel. He puts his arms tight around me. I chuckle a bit, hugging him back.

"You do know I'm fine, right?" I ask him, after he pulls away from me. He nods slowly.

"Yeah, but Jace is dreaming about me dying, must not be easy to hear from him that that's what he dreams about" Daniel says softly. We walk into the room and I close the door. I now see that Daniel is wearing sweatpants and an oversized shirt.

I see Daniel getting in the bed and letting Jace cuddle up to him. It's very cute to see, them being so close together. Daniel looks at me and smiles.

"You coming to bed, or what?" he asks, moving away so there is room for me. Meanwhile, Jace is fast asleep laying with Daniel. I nod and lay down beside Daniel. Jace has his head rested on Daniel's shoulder.

"I'm sorry for waking you up" I mumble softly, carefull not to wake up Jace. I feel Daniel's eyes on me, as I'm looking at my baby boy cuddled up against my best friend, who I'm laying in bed with.

"It's no problem. I am glad Jace is asleep again. Do you know what he dreamt exactly?" Daniel asks me. I nod slowly.

"He said that he dreamt that you crashed your race car and died" I say. I feel shivers run over my body.

"I can't imagine how scared he must have felt" Daniel mumbles.

"Me neither, I hope he won't dream it again" I say.

"If he does again and you wake up, call me again, okay?" I nod slowly and roll onto my side now, with my face towards Daniel and Jace.

"Do you need me to set an alarm?" I ask Daniel. I don't mind waking up the same time Daniel has too, we'll leave with him for the track anyway.

"No, I have one set on my phone. It's set at 8, is that alright?" he asks me.

"Off course"

Saviour - Daniel RicciardoWhere stories live. Discover now