Chapter 1

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The Canterlot High coach rattled along the highway on its way to the island hotel the students were staying at. Everyone was chattering excitedly, looking forward to the 'educational' trip, which was clearly nothing to do with learning the history of the secretive area. The five friends, Twilight, Applejack, Rainbowdash, Rarity and Fluttershy were similarly excited and took no notice of Pinkie Pie's strange silence. She was worried, (not that she would tell anyone this) about having to share a room with her friends which she had not done for a very long time. This was for reasons she hoped would never be found out and she had several times before made up excuses so as to avoid sleepovers. It's not that she didn't want to spend time with her friends, of course she did, it's just sharing a room with them was...hard; there was things she had to do alone that she would struggle to do with company. She said none of her thoughts aloud, however, simply bit her lip and stared out of the window, attempting to block out the constant conversation about the holiday to come. A holiday which Pinkie dreaded much more than she anticipated, which was yet another thing she wanted nobody to know.
Several hours later, when the chattering had somewhat subsided, Pinkie's lack of speech was finally noticed.
"Are you okay Pinkie?" Rarity asked, sounding concerned, "You're a little quiet,"
"I'm okay," she answered, realising that she had not said that truthfully for a very long time.
"Hmm," Rarity didn't seem convinced, "If you say so." An awkward silence followed, that Pinkie was sure would have continued had they not arrived at the hotel, just minutes after. The excitement returned to everyone onboard than coach, except Pinkie who began to feel very anxious; she didn't want to ruin her friends holiday by them discovering her secret.
About 15 minutes later, the girls were showed their room, which was a pale cream colour with an en suite and three bunk beds. Twilight already knew that Pinkie and Rainbowdash would run to the top bunks and was shocked when Pinkie simply sat down on the lower one, closest to the bathroom. She frowned but decided not to say anything as she could tell it wouldn't go down well and when Fluttershy offered to help Pinkie unpack her things, she almost told her not to. When Twilight saw what happened she wished she had done.
"Do you want me to take your toiletries bag into the bathroom?"
Asked Fluttershy, kindly, moving her hands towards the small, pink bag in question.
"No!" Pinkie cried, snatching the bag away from her friend and clutching it to her chest, "I mean... No thank you," she relaxed her grip and gave a fake smile. Fluttershy looked confused and a little upset but remained silent, almost immediately leaving to unpack her own case. Twilight felt bad for Fluttershy and wondered what was the matter with Pinkie, not the first time - or person to think this - that day.
When it was eventually night and the others were asleep, Pinkie crept into the bathroom, taking her toiletries bag, which she had kept by her bed, with her. The light that suddenly flooded the room and made Pinkie curse because of this, awoke Rainbowdash, who leaned over the rail on the bunk bed, trying to see what her pink haired friend was doing. Pinkie then shut and locked the door as a precaution and in doing so, intrigued Rainbowdash even more. She decided she would just have to ask. Minutes later, after which no flushing toilet or running water was heard, Pinkie Pie opened the door and almost screamed aloud with the shock of seeing Rainbowdash standing right in front of her.
"What are you doing?" She asked, crossing her arms and eyeing the bag in Pinkie's hands, "And what's in there that's so precious?"
"None of your business," Pinkie snapped, looking flushed and shaking slightly when she walked over to her bed. Rainbowdash was confused, but pursued the subject no more, simply mentally vowing to tell the others the next day.

Again, Rainbowdash was woken by a bright light, but by the sun instead of electric light, and she was not the only one.
"Mornin'" Applejack said brightly throwing some clothes at Rainbow, "Get up!"
"Yeah, yeah, okay," she replied with a laugh, trying to block thoughts of Pinkie from her mind. This was unsuccessful however as not long after she was asked by Rarity if she knew what the matter with their friend was. Feeling bad for saying it, Rainbow then relayed what had happened the night before, shocking Rarity more than she had expected,
"Good grief!" She exclaimed, "That's not like her at all!" By the end of the morning, the story was known also by Applejack, Twilight and Fluttershy, who were similarly shocked but also agreed to not say anything to Pinkie.
Through whispered conversations throughout island tours during the day, the five friends decided they had to get to the bottom of the mystery and decided to do so by investigating Pinkies wash bag. There was clearly something inside it that she didn't want anyone to know about and as Twilight said, looking inside would be the place to start if they wanted to find out what was going on. It was agreed that they would somehow distract Pinkie from going to the room, one if them keeping her away from it, and the others searching the secret concealing bag.
"Pinkie!" Rarity called in a singsong voice when they reached the hotel, "Please will you come with me to see what's on the dinner menu?" Pinkie Pie clearly didn't want to go but after much eyelash batting from her friend, she conceded. Stage one of the plan was completed. The others rushed upstairs and seized Pinkies bag, none of them as worried as they should have been, when Applejack reached for the zip. Inside was bright pink shower gel, a flannel of the same colour, a bathing toothbrush and toothpaste...all the things you'd expect to find. The only abnormal thing being the small, plain white box in the corner, which she picked up and peered inside of, gasping. When the others were shown they showed similar signs of distress: Rainbowdash clapped a hand over her mouth, Twilight burst into tears and Fluttershy fainted. It was only then did they realise why Pinkie didn't want them to know; why she didn't want anyone to know.

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