Chapter 7

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"Absolutely not." Pinkie was sitting in yet another white room, this time with her sane friends, and was telling Twilight her plans for escape, hoping the ever present guard wasn't able to lip read. Twilight wouldn't have it and neither would Pinkies other friends as they all believed being in the asylum was good for her.
   "Good for me?" She asked in a deathly whisper after hearing her friends voice their opinion, "You think this place is good for me? It's trying to cure something that doesn't exist! I wasn't insane until they brought me here! Look what it's done to me!" Now she was shouting, a wild look in her sky blue eyes.
   "You know that's not true," said Twilight, earning a glare from Rainbowdash who clearly thought saying that was a bad idea. She was right.
  "And you know it is!" Shrieked Pinkie, "And you're going to do this for me! I don't deserve to be here!" She lurched forward and grabbed Twilights pale arm, "GET ME OUT OF HERE!" She screeched, right in her friends face. Looking both angry and upset, Twilight shoved her friend off of her and ran towards the door, closely followed by Rainbowdash, Fluttershy and Rarity. Only Applejack stayed behind.
   "It's gonna be alright ya know." She said to Pinkie who was now in the grip of her headphone equipped guard, "Ya will get ta come back."
  "Shut up," Pinkie spat, and with a look of pity, Applejack left. The guard let go of her and she dropped to the floor, a scream ripping apart her throat as her fingernails scrabbled at the pristine white floor. If her friends could have seen her, they would have been completely convinced of Pinkies insanity, and they would have have been right.

"Do you think we should have agreed to help her?" Asked Fluttershy, breaking the silence that had been consistent amongst the five friends after their encounter with Pinkie Pie.
"Don't be stupid." Snapped Rainbowdash, "It wouldn't work anyway."
"It might have done..." Mused Rarity earning an annoyed stare from her rainbow haired friend.
"It doesn't matter!" Rainbowdash said, exasperated, "She deserves to be there! Why would we help a crazy person escape an asylum?"
"Don't say that," whispered Fluttershy,
"Say what?" Rainbow asked bitterly, "That she's crazy? Well she is. She's crazy and she's on drugs. Deal with it."
"Don't say that!" Fluttershy repeated, tears in her eyes,
"I just did." Said Rainbow, angrily. Now crying uncontrollably, the shy pink haired girl ran out of Twilights room,
"You bitch!" Rarity said incredulously, before running after Fluttershy to attempt to comfort her. Once she had gone, Rainbow noticed Twilight shaking her head as if in disappointment,
"What?" She asked her, "What did I do?"
"You know what you did," Twilight said sadly, "You've changed, Dash. I think we all have."
"Yeah, I think we have." Rainbow replied, still sounding angry, "And it's all Pinkies fault. I hope she's never let out." Twilight opened her mouth as if to say something else but before she could, her friend had swept out of the room, tears that nobody had seen dripping down her cheeks.

"Pinkie?" Called Discord as he heard the door being opened and two sets of feet entering the common room. After shrugging of the guard, Pinkie walked at top speed to her room, not making eye contact with anyone, simply saying 'Call me Pinkamena' then slamming her door in Discords face.
"Pinkie?" He said again, "...Pinkamena...?"
"Go away. It didn't work. Now leave me alone!"
"What? Did she not want to?"
"She thinks I deserve to be here."
"But -"
"Just GO AWAY!" Pinkie ran to her bed and leaped on it, burying her face in her pillow and screaming as loud as she could. Now crying as well she gathered her horribly white blanket in her arms and took it into her bathroom. She was sick of all the white. It made her think of nothingness, of emptiness...
"Pinkamena!" Called Discord again, banging on the door, "Are you okay?" She said nothing.
"Of course she's not." Answered Sombra, walking over to stand beside his roomate, "They stopped giving her the drug substitutes. That's why she's gone mental."
"Shit." Said Discord, "She's not gonna be able to cope."
"N-" Sombra was cut off by a piercing scream emanating from Pinkies room. Discord flung open the door, only to find the pink haired girl laying on her bathroom floor, covered in blood, laughing.
"Red!" She giggled, "So much red! No more more white...NO MORE WHITE!" She kept on chanting her mantra, laughing all the while, a razor blade clutched in her hand.
"Pinkie!" Discord yelled, "What are you doing?" He tried to help her up but she pushed him away,
"Don't you like all the red?" She asked with all the innocence of a young child, "It's better than all this white. No more more white..." Pinkie descending into her mantra once again.
  "She's cut herself to make the sheets red." Said Sombra, stating the obvious as usual,
"What does it look like?" Cried Discord, "Go get help you idiot!" Just as Sombra was about to leave, looking slightly put out by the insults, the guard appeared at the door, Maniac lurking silently behind him. The guard strode over, and lifted the blood stained girl into his muscled arms,
"How did this happen?" He demanded, staring angrily at Discord and Sombra, having not noticed the green haired girl behind him,
"Too much white!" Pinkie chuckled,
"Pinkamena wanted red! Pinkamena likes red..." She trailed off, fainting. With a look of pure rage, the guard left the room, taking Pinkie to the infirmary. Seconds later what seemed like the impossible commence:Wings sprouted from Discords back, Maniacs green hair lifted into the air, crackling, Sombra's red eyes glowed and he was surrounded by an almost opaque cloud of purple.
  Still unconscious in her guards arms, Pinkamena Diane Pie laughed.


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