Chapter 10

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Although Pinkie Pie knew there was a very low chance of her being caught where she was, she didn't stop running until she got to her destination. Canterlot High School. She rushed over to the statue outside the entrance, and took a deep breath, bracing herself. Holding her hands out in front of her, Pinkie stepped forwards and through the portal to Equestria.
  Once she arrived, she tried to come to grips with her new body, one complete with hooves, a dead straight pink mane and a strange marking on her flank. Walking was harder than she had expected and on her way to find the pony versions of her old friends, she fell over several times, not used to four legs. Eventually she stumbled across a room with seven thrones, seated around a glowing map. All the thrones were empty but Pinkie noticed one had three balloons etched onto its back, the very same ones that were on her flank. Curiously, she walked - still with much difficulty - over to it and sat down, surveying the map in front of her.
   "Pinkie?" She heard a very familiar voice call her name from across the room, echoing slightly,
   "Yes?" She called back, hoping it would not be noticed that she was not from Equestria,
  "What are you doing here?"
   "Nothing much, just checking out the map."
  "Oh okay. What's going on with your mane?"
  "It's all flat."
  "Oh," Pinkie was beginning to worry her true identity would be found out, "Have you seen Discord?"
"I think he's in the Everfree forest," Rainbowdash replied, "Why?" Pinkie shrugged, not sure why she had asked in the first place.
After a rushed goodbye, she set off to find Discord, who she hoped would be as willing to help her in Equestria as in he human world. Despite never before seeing the forest in question it was not hard to find as it was the only one for miles around and as she stepped into it, she knew it might take longer to find the Equestrian version of her friend than she thought. Pinkie Pie was completely oblivious to the rumours and was not at all scared by the forest that terrified many ponies. She called Discords name over and over again, desperately hoping she would be heard as she did not have a back up plan. Thankfully it turned out that she did not need one as Discord suddenly appeared in front of her, making her squeal in a way most unlike her.
"Hello Pinkie Pie," he said, the voice disconcertingly identical to that of his human counterpart, "What brings you here today?"
"My name is Pinkamena." She told him, unnerved by the fact she could not name his species, "And I am from the human world. I came here through the mirror and I need your help."
"Ah." Said Discord calmly, "What do you need my help with."
"I need to steal the elements of harmony."
"And why would that be?"
"It's a long story." Pinkie said, not planning to relay it, "Can you help me?"
"It sounds like you're not going to use them for good...and I'm afraid I am now reformed and can't help you with any evil schemes. I do however know someone who can and seeing as ever getting to them is impossible I suppose I can tell you..."
"Who?" Pinkie demanded,
"Sombra." Discord said, "He -"
"I know who he is. Where is he?"
"In a prison far out in the icy wastelands near the Crystal Empire. But don't think getting there will be easy. Or that you'll be able to break him out." Discord warned. But Pinkie Pie had already gone, shouting thanks over her shoulder as she ran, unsteady on her feet, her pink mane and tail flying out behind her. She knew she had no reason to be running, other than she wanted the elements of harmony as soon as she could get them, so she could wreak havoc on the humans that had caused her so much suffering. Although she thought she had run back the way she came, Pinkie had veered off slightly and ended up at a cottage adorned with strange masks. She wasn't going to go inside but her curiosity was just too much and she found herself pushing the door open with her hoof.
"Pinkie Pie!" A deep, accented voice greeted her, "How nice to see you, especially on a day when so blue is the sky!" A zebra, with golden rings around her neck stepped forwards out of the shadows and beckoned for Pinkie to enter her cottage. It was filled with jars and bottles, dried herbs hanging from the ceiling and in the centre of the room was a bubbling cauldron with a bright green liquid within.
  "So what can I do for you today?" The strange zebra asked, "Any magic potion would be okay."
  "Umm..." Pinkie was confused at why she was rhyming intentionally, "Do you have...a key...?"
  "What sort of key do you seek to open someplace and have a peek?" 
"One that could open any door?" Pinkie was not sure why she said this but then realised it would help her on her quest to find Sombra.
  "Ah, yes, one of those I can give you." The zebra told her, "But may I enquire why you want a key so new?"
  "It's...a surprise!" Pinkie blurted the first thing that came into her head as an excuse, "For my friends!"
With a nod, the shaman went to retrieve a shiny silver key, handing it to Pinkie.
  "Thank you." She said, putting it into the saddlebag she had found with her mark at Twilights castle. Then she left, the plan to release Sombra and get him to help her formulating in her mind, as she headed to the train station. When she arrived she ordered a ticket to the Crystal Empire, getting several greetings from ponies who thought they knew her. She chose an empty seat and spent the whole journey staring blankly out of the window, watching the unfamiliar world speed by, her head full of destructive fantasies.

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