Chapter 9

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Pinkamena Diane Pie spent the week waiting. Waiting for an opportunity to kill her guard and escape her prison. And although almost anyone you could ask would say it was crazy, Pinkie was.
Eventually, the moment she had been waiting for arrived, in the form of the Nurse who had referred her to the asylum she hated so much. Pinkie was eating her disgusting lunch at the time and while the Nurse talked to the ever present guard about her own welfare, she slipped the knife down the front of her top. She then slipped the tray off of her lap so it landed with a clatter on the floor beside her bed. When they came rushing in, the guard and nurse assumed it was either an accident or a result of Pinkie Pies mental instability and had no idea that it was so the absent knife would not be noticed.
"I'm sorry," Pinkie said in a fake tone of innocence, making the guard frown, "And is it okay if I make a quick trip to the bathroom?"
"Yes." The guard replied, "But I would like to know why you seem so happy today. Normally you look like you want to kill me."
"I don't know." She was trying to suppress a laugh at what had just been said, "Even I don't understand how my brain works."
"Okay then..." He frowned suspiciously.
"Sorry." Pinkie said again, this time for an entirely different reason.
Once she was inside her private, too small bathroom, she slid her hand down her top and retrieved the knife from her bra. She flushed the toilet and ran the tap as cover then stealthily hid the stolen cutlery behind her back.
  "Guard?" Pinkie asked when she returned, standing very close and still using her fake innocence, "I really am sorry."
  "You've said so Pinkamena."
   "No," she said, dropping the fake voice, "I don't think you understand. I'm sorry." And with that, she plunged the blunt knife into the guards stomach, simultaneously covering his mouth with her other hand to stop his scream. A wild look in her eyes, she stabbed him over and over again, eventually stopping his heart. With strength only obtained because of the adrenaline pumping through her veins, she dragged the now dead man into her hospital bed and covered him with the sheets. She did this to make the death less obvious and wiped the ruby red blood on her bandages, making it look like hers and not her guards. Smirking, Pinkie walked out of her room and crept down to the reception, her seemingly flawless plan laid out in her head.
  "Help!" She cried, waving her arms to get the staffs attention, "My guard! You have to help him!" Everyone immediately left the reception, leaving Pinkie able to leave the building unnoticed.

Twilight Sparkle and her five best friends were all at her house for a sleepover, an attempt at normality for the girls whose friend had been admitted to a mental asylum for taking drugs. It had been over a month since this had happened and the girls had just about recovered from the shock, which was why what happened next was so hard for them. They were just having a normal conversation, like any group of friends and were interrupted by a frantic knocking on the front door.
"I'll go see who it is," said Twilight, getting up and leaving the room,
"Wait for us!" Called Fluttershy, her and the others following Twilight.
"It's probably only a sales person or a delivery," she told them. She couldn't have been more wrong. Not expecting anything out of the ordinary, Twilight opened the door and squealed in shock.
"Pinkie?" She whispered,
"What are you doing here?" Demanded Rainbowdash,
"I had nowhere else to go." Pinkie said, "I escaped. Please let me in."
"O-okay," Twilight said, letting her old friend in.
"Thanks so much," she said, stepping over the threshold and into the Golden Oak library, "Can you do me a favour and put the news on?"
"Yeah, okay..." Although sounding a little suspicious, the purple haired girl turned the tv on and handed Pinkie Pie the remote. Her and Twilight now being the only people in the room (the others had retreated upstairs) she flicked the channel to the news. As she had predicted, the dead guard had been found and she was now being searched for.
"Pinkie what - " Twilight began,
"My name is Pinkamena. And yes I killed him. You need to hide me."
"You're a murderer!" She yelled, "I won't have you in my house! You're not who you used to be anymore!"
"I had to do it. I had to get out. That place is what changed me."
"You changed yourself." Twilight had begun to cry, "It was those drugs and you know it. Now get out of my house."
"I have nowhere else to go!" Pinkie screeched, "They'll find me and take me back! Please!"
"You deserve to be there! Now go!"
"But Twilight...I thought you were my friend..."
"I was." She opened the door and showed the insane pink haired girl out.
"Please!" She screamed, getting the door slammed in her face.

"What happened?" Discord demanded, "Where is Pinkamena?"
  "We don't know." The guard replied in his monotonous voice. "We just know that she killed her guard and managed to escape."
  "You don't know it was her who killed him," said Sombra, "Could have been anyone."
  "She was the only person in the room. Now can you please leave the subject. I'm not even supposed to talk to you."
   "Not that you've said anything useful," Discord scoffed, "Just put your stupid headphones back on." The guard glared at him but did put his noise cancelling headphones back on, turning his back to Sombra and Discord as he did so,
   "Fucking idiot." Muttered Discord.

Pinkie Pie ran from her former friends house, tears streaming down her face. She kept running, telling herself over and over again that she wasn't going to get found. And she knew she was right, for she was running towards a place nobody would ever look for her in; a place barely anyone knew existed.

Authors note:

I am so sorry for the slow update! I've been really busy with my ask and dare book and I just haven't had time to update this! Anyway, please comment what you think so far, I am really happy people read this and I would love some feedback! Thanks so much everypony! XD

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