Chapter 18

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Twilight Sparkle took a deep breath and stepped through the magical portal beneath the large stone statue outside Canterlot High School and was transported instantly to Equestria. As she reverted back to her pony form, Twilight noticed something very strange: it was dark - the light filtering in from the window was none other than moonlight.
  "That's strange..." She murmured to herself as she crossed the throne room, averting her eyes from the three balloons set into one. When Twilight stepped outside, she found the citizens of Ponyville continuing their everyday lives, none even seeming to notice the unnatural darkness. Walking slowly down the cobbled street, the purple alicorn noticed that the ponies faces were etched with worry, causing them to walk slower, their heads bent, their eyes filled with a strange sorrow. What has happened here? Twilight thought to herself, Surely the Princesses death hadn't... That was it. The death of the Princess of the sun.
  "That's why it's night." She whispered to herself, gaining several stares as she did so.
  "Hey!" A voice hissed from the shadows, "What are you doing?"
"Huh? Who's there?" Twilight had become increasingly paranoid over the last months and began to panic slightly. As if in response, a gold light flared up and illuminated the face of a pale turquoise pony,
  "Lyra!" Twililght gasped in surprise and relief,
  "Ssshhh!" The unicorn snapped, lifting the princess up with her magic and dragging her down the alley she had been hiding in, "You really shouldn't be here."
  "Why? What's happened?"
  "Luna won't be happy about this..." Muttered Lyra, unintentionally avoiding the question, "Two princesses was bad enough..."
  "Two princesses?" Twilight echoed, bewildered, "What are you talking about? I though Luna would just take over from Celestia..."
"She did." Lyra said, exasperated, "She was ruling with Cadence but... In the last few days... Cadence left. She took everypony who thought what Luna was doing was wrong and is planning on establishing her own kingdom. I guess they just couldn't rule together..."
  "What?! But why would she do that?" Twilight asked, clueless as to the recent events in Equestria, "What has Luna done?"
  "You don't know?" Lyra shook her head and Twilight noticed for the first time that she shared the dull, sad look in her eyes that she had seen of everypony else in Ponyville, much less, she now realised than there used to be, "It's going to happen tomorrow. Luna is going to execute Pinkie Pie."
  "No!" Shrieked Twilight in horror, "She can't do that! This worlds Pinkie has done nothing wrong!"
  "Are you crazy?" Asked Lyra with a look of mild disgust, "That bitch deserves to die." A sudden feeling of realisation suddenly came over the purple mare, she took everypony who thought what Luna was doing was wrong... Equestria had been divided and once again, Pinkie Pie was at the centre of the destruction, except in this world, it wasn't her fault. Flapping her wings, Twilight took off, her sights set on Luna's castle in Canterlot, ignoring Lyra's desperate warnings and planning to set things right in a world where everything seemed wrong.

"Have you heard about this?" Discord turned on the asylums bad quality, two channel tv, cranking up the volume and  beckoning his friends to join him. On the screen was a grainy image of a girl floating and adorned with gold; the multi coloured lights surrounding her made it hard to make her out and her hair was covered in patches of murky green, but it was unmistakably Pinkie Pie.
  "Wow." Whispered Sombra, somewhat in awe, "How come we didn't manage anything like that?" He smiled at the photo of a collapsed building that appeared next, then glanced nervously over to the two guards by the door - they had been doubled since Pinkamena's escape.
  "If she's got that much power, surely she should be able to break us out of here," mused Discord, watching the news presenter fail to come up with an explanation for what was happening,
  "Why would she?" A voice said, causing Sombra and Discord to whip round, shock on their faces from hearing Maniac speak for the first time, "If I was her I wouldn't come back."
"She's right." Said Sombra, "She won't come back for us."
  "She might." Discord replied, determined not to give up on Pinkie, "You never know."
  "Yes I do." Maniac said bluntly, snatching up the controller and turning off the tv before returning to her room, leaving the two boys to sit alone and in silence, contemplating whether their friend would ever really come back.

"Open the door!" Said a whiny, childish voice, "I told you I want to play!"
"What do we do?" Hissed Rarity, her purple curls swinging wildly, "We can't let her in!"
  "Leave her." Rainbowdash said, "She'll leave eventually. She'll get bored."
  "I wouldn't be so sure about that, Dashie!" Came the uninvited, sugar coated reply, "I'm a very patient person." Rainbow snorted and Rarity glanced worriedly at Fluttershy, who was sitting on the floor, hugging he knees to her chest, tears dripping down her pale face.
  "We won't let you in," Rarity shouted, "You've murdered our friends and I know you'd do the same to us."
"Oh well." Pinkamena said, and if they had not been on the other side of the door, her friends would have seen her shrug, step back from the house and use the element of magic to create a shimmering magical bubble around Fluttershys cottage.
  "I could kill you right now." She said, stepping into the bright pink bubble, still talking in her falsely sweet voice, "But I want to have some fun with you first. How long are you going to last in there on your own? Watching you go crazy and starve to death will we wonderful to watch, don't you think?"
Pinkamena asked, snapping her fingers in a was reminiscent of Equestrias Discord, and summoned up a couch and bucket of popcorn, smiling her sickly sweet smile.

Applejack was sitting on the steps outside Canterlot High School, feeling alone and vulnerable, waiting for her friend to return from the realm of Equestria. She made the mistake of thinking about her sister and once again felt her emerald green eyes fill with tears. Suddenly she saw a flash of dark pink, and stood up immediately, trying to find the source of the magic. Although from where she was standing she could not see the strange bubble that trapped her friends, the cowgirl could tell that the flash of light had come from near Fluttershys cottage. With a single backwards glance at the horse statue above the portal, Applejack set off at a run, determined to help her friends, not realising that although they were in danger, Rainbowdash, Fluttershy and Rarity were much safer than Twilight Sparkle.

A/N: Really sorry for the slow update and please let me know what you think I love to get feedback! Thanks! XD

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