Chapter 5

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A week had passed since Pinkie had been admitted to the asylum and she was coping much better than expected. In fact she was almost...enjoying it? She tried not to think about it, instead focusing on how much she missed her friends; it was hard, she didn't miss them as much as she knew she should. As each day passed, she found herself rather liking the company of her new roommates - they actually understood her! Also, Pinkie learned a lot about them: Discord had almost been arrested for the amount of chaos he caused in a small village nearby with some sort of magic (he said it was hard to explain) but was then taken to the asylum after pleading insanity, which unsurprisingly wasn't a lie. Sombra, who although still in a constant bad mood, despite now getting on with Pinkie, had tried - unsuccessfully - to take over a village, again with some unexplainable magic. The girl with the writhing green hair who they all called simply Maniac and never speaks had been admitted for similar reasons and had used strange magic to attack a city.
Pinkie was confused by her recent discoveries, by the magic, why none of them had been imprisoned and her presence.
"Discord?" Pinkie asked, walking into the common room on her 7th day in the asylum,
"Yes?" He asked smiling his signature toothy grin as he popped his head round his bedroom door,
"Why am I in here?"
"Does it matter? I thought you liked us how," he joked
"I do!" Pinkie protested "It's just from what I've learned you've all been put in here for destroying places!"
"Of course," Discord said, entering the room
"Well I haven't destroyed anywhere!" Pinkie was beginning go get annoyed, "I just took some harmless drugs..."
"I don't know about harmless but I see what you mean." He sounded surprisingly serious, "I don't know though. We are all in here for destruction I guess...doesn't really make sense does it."
"And neither does the magic." An idea suddenly popped into Pinkies head, "What if that's why you're here?!"
"Cuz you told them about the magic! Now they think you're mental!"
"Nice theory but..." Discord shook his horned head, "We all had previous records of possible insanity. This just drove them over the edge."
"So it is cuz you'd told them!" Pinkie momentarily regained some of her pre drug excitement,
"No it's not!" Discord said, "We didn't tell them! It's because of the previous records that they sent us here instead of imprisoning us,"
"Wait a minute..." A look of something between confusion and realisation came over her face, "Aren't you too young to be put in jail?"
"You know what I meant," he sighed, before leaving the room.
When it was just her left in the common room, Pinkie was addressed for the first time by her guard,
"What?" She asked incredulously, after he called her name.
"You need to go down to the reception area. I will take you when you are ready."
"But we're always told when we are allowed to leave over the loud speakers," she said suspiciously glancing at the speaker in question.
"Not today. You have visitors." The guards speech was monotonous and his sentences short and to the point.
"Okay..." Pinkie was a little confused but agreed to go with her normally silent guard to see her mystery visitors.

Within seconds of entering the highly secure reception area, a flurry of Purple hair descended on Pinkie,
"Pinkie!!!" Rarity cried, releasing her,
for it was the stylish girl who had flung herself at her friend, "How are you? I bet it's awful here!" She gave a sheepish glance at the woman on reception who simply smiled before getting up and ushering them into a room not unlike the one Pinkie and her roommates shared.
"It's not that bad..." She began in response to her friends bombardment of questions, "The people I share a room with are okay,"
"Are they, you know...crazy?" Fluttershy asked, hoping she didn't sound insulting,
"Well a little but...not that bad really!" Pinkie said a little too cheerfully,
"It sounds like you're enjoying it here." Said Rainbowdash, scowling - she still hadn't forgiven her pink haired friend for the attack she had launched when her drug addiction was discovered.
"Well maybe I am." Pinkie shot back, rather liking Rainbows shocked face, "At least they understand me,"
"Ya know we get to visit ya every week right?" Asked Applejack, trying to change the subject,
"Nice," Pinkie said with a ghost of her old smiles, "I'll look forward to that."
"How are you, you know, fairing without the drugs?" Twilight said, hoping she wouldn't annoy Pinkie with her question - she had been asked a lot,
"Fine actually. They give me more, but medical ones, so I don't get 'withdrawal' or whatever,"
"Well that's good," said Fluttershy, sweetly,
"Yes. Well I have to go now," Pinkie said, no longer keen on socialisation, and promptly left, leaving her friend upset and confused as to why she had left so early.

Lying in bed that night, Pinkie Pie began to wonder about why she had disliked meeting with her friends - it should have been the highlight of her week and wasn't. What's happening to me? She asked herself, staring at the ceiling, This whole thing has killed my friendships. But then again...I have made more friends too... I just hope they'll be able to get us out of here - they must have some magic left in them. And with thoughts of escape in her mind, Pinkie rolled over and went to sleep, a strange smile on her pale face.

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