Chapter 6

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Pinkie pie was awoken by the sun steaming through her curtains, bathing her room in a golden light that was a welcome change from the stark white of every surface in the asylum she was now kept in. Her heart was beating slightly faster than usual and for several minutes she couldn't figure out why; and then it came to her. The thoughts that she had been thinking before she slept were ones of escape and as much as her personality had been changed her ability to be easily excited had not.
  Sitting bolt upright, Pinkie began mentally planning what she was going to say to Discord and to her surprise a script came easily. For the first time since she had arrived in the asylum Pinkie smiled a genuine smile, although it was more in excited anticipation rather than the pure happiness of before. After pulling on some clothes which were as pink as her hair and the brightest thing in the whole place - Sombra's dark red eyes being a close second - she ran into the common room.
  In her excitement, Pinkie wasn't looking where she was going and collided with her silent roommate Maniac. Being the girl she was she simply tossed her cascade of green hair and glared at Pinkie, saying nothing as usual. Although she would have normally apologised, the girl once known for her happiness didn't and continued on to plan escape from the asylum.
  "Discord!" She shrieked, using the demanding voice she had only acquired in the past week, "Come here!" 
  "What?" He said in a whiny voice, leaning against the wall holding a book loosely in his hand,
"I need to talk to you," Pinkie said this in a whisper as she walked swiftly past her horned friend, "Come to my room."
She then disappeared into the almost empty bedroom in question, shooting a glance at Discord to clarify he'd heard what she said. Clearly he had as, with a confused look on his face he dropped the book on the sofa and followed his drug addicted roommate.
  "Why am I here?" He asked, sitting down on Pinkies bed, "You know the guard can't here what you say,"
  "Yes but he can probably lip read." Pinkie replied flatly,
  "Is what you have to say so important you have to worry about that?"
  "I want to plan an escape," She was hoping her excitement wasn't showing as she still had a tendency to do so. Discord burst into laughter, looking as if he had just heard the funniest joke ever.
  "What?" Snapped Pinkie, her high voice making her sound like an angry child; this made Discord laugh even harder.
  "You. Are. Insane." He said between laughter, "You know you can't get out of here!" He managed to regain himself a little and now looked intrigued as to what his friend was going to say.
  "Magic." She declared,
  "What?!?" Discord spluttered, again descending into peals of laughter,
  "Magic." Pinkie repeated, "You said so yourself. All of you. You all used magic to destroy those places and there must be some left in you."
  "Nope." He said, taking a deep breath in preparation for the long explanation he had to deliver, "None. You see, what we didn't tell you is that we went to get the magic. The dark magic. We all went  to find it together. So -"
  "But I thought you all attacked different places at different times?" Interrupted Pinkie,
  "Well yes but we went to get the magic we used together. So then we split up and attacked the different places at the different times, meeting up afterwards. Eventually they found us all and put us all in here. Why together I don't understand though..."
  "No.... So where's you get this magic?"
  "From a girl named Starlight Glimmer, she kept it in a cave in a city of -"
  "Equality," Pinkie whispered,
   "How'd you know that?" Asked Discord,
  "Because Twilight told me. There's something I need to tell you about as well. And I promise it's nothing to do with the drugs."
  "My friend Twilight is from another world. She came here through a magic portal and there are copies of everyone here, there."
  "So there's two me's?" Discord didn't seem to what Pinkie had said was weird at all,
  "Yeah. And me. So they went to this town of equality and Starlight Glimmer stole their cutie marks."
  "Their WHAT?!" Now Discord sounded confused,
   "They're marks on their flanks."
   "Flanks?" Poor Discord looked bewildered,
   "They're ponies,"
    "So their cutie marks are pictures that show their...true selves I guess, and they hold some sort of power. Which Starlight stole. And because the two worlds are linked when that happened, me and my friends here - not Twilight though, cuz she was in the pony world - got really ill. Then Twilight came back and explained after they'd sorted it out."
   "So it must be the same Twilight Glimmer but this worlds version. And it would have been before the cutie marks were returned and her power gone."
  "That makes sense..." Said Discord, "Sort of..,"
   "So if my friends from this world go to her then..." Pinkie trailed off, suddenly realising the flaw in her logic,
  "The magic will be gone."
   "But..." An idea popped into her head, "Twilight has magic!"
   "She does?"
   "She's a princess. If she takes her magic from Equestria - that's pony world to you - then she can get us out of here!"
   "Not a bad idea," said Discord, nodding and beginning to pace around Pinkies room, a sign he was thinking, "So... Am I a pony then?" Pinkie slapped a hand to her forehead and sighed, 'This' she thought to herself 'is going to take a lot more explaining.'

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