Chapter 3

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Several days later when Pinkie Pie had left the island with Principal Celestia, she found herself being referred to a hospital. She had known this would happen but still found it shocking that they thought she needed genuine medical attention! The drugs seemed to have made Pinkie think that they were crazy and that she was perfectly sane.
  "Hello Pinkie," greeted Nurse Redheart, who looked saddened that this had happened to a girl she knew so well, "I'm afraid we're going to have to -"
  "I know why I'm here," Pinkie interrupted, annoyed, "I'm in drugs and you're 'concerned for my health'. Well you can piss off." The Nurse looked shocked but knew she had to continue with the procedures and led Pinkie to a room. Surprisingly she did not resist and sat silently through the entire thing - still convinced there was nothing wrong with her.
After all the tests had been completed, Nurse Redheart returned from her office and gave Pinkie her results,
"There is nothing physically wrong with you..." She said, almost looking surprised, Pinkie looking smug - she had known there was nothing wrong with her.
"But..." The nurse continued, nervously, "Mentally...the drug has massively affected you."
Pinkie sat bolt upright, anger flashing in her eyes, her teeth slightly bared, making the poor nurse flinch.
"And I'm afraid you're going to have to..." She trailed off, clearly scared of what the pink haired girl would so when she heard the dreadful news.
"I know you're going to send me to a mental asylum," Pinkie said casually, guessing her fate. Nurse Redheart's mouth dropped open, she hadn't expected her to already know!
"Who told you?" She whispered, still worried.
"Nobody." Pinkie replied, "Its not hard to tell, you all think I'm crazy."
"We don't think you're crazy Pinkie Pie," the nurse said, choosing her words very carefully so as to not provoke her, "You just need time to... Recover...from the drugs. Which we also need to talk to you about."
  "You know full well I won't let you have them."
  "Well... You are already aware that they have been... Suppressed. It's their origin we are interested in."
  "You won't be able to find out what kind they are."
  "We were told you wouldn't want to tell us," the door creaked open and someone stepped inside, "So we've tested the drugs ourself," When the man who had just arrived stepped forward to talk to Pinkie, the Nurse quickly exited the room, looking thankful she could finally leave.
  "Hello Pinkie Pie," the man said, adjusting his bow tie, "My name is Doctor Whooves and I've been given the task of -"
  "Testing the drugs," Pinkie interrupted, impatiently.
  "Well...yes... But I've not been able to work out what they are."
"Of course you haven't," Pinkie laughed, "They're homemade!"

Back at Canterlot High, Pinkies friends were struggling to deal with the news about their friend; twice now Fluttershy had been pulled out of classes for crying and was being bullied for it.
"Not going to start crying again are you?" Snarled Trixie almost every time she passed her. This had happened again on the same day Pinkie had been having the conversation with the Nurse and Doctor, but this time Rainbowdash was with her.
"What is wrong with you Trixie?" Rainbow yelled when she hurled this comment at Fluttershy unprovoked in the cafeteria. Trixie looked shocked that someone had actually stood up against her - that never normally happens and it caught her off guard.
"Pardon?" She said, failing in her attempt to sound innocent.
"You know exactly what I'm Talking about," Rainbow said, threateningly, "And you can stop it right now! You'd be just as upset if that happened to one of your friends and you know it!"
"As if!" Trixie scoffed, "That would never happen! None of my friends are druggies!" There was a loud smack as she was slapped hard round the face. But not by Rainbowdash.
"You bitch!" Screeched Fluttershy, her hand still raised. Rainbowdash's jaw dropped open in shock and although she was sure her friend would get a detention, she couldn't help feeling proud of her.

Two guards seized Pinkie by the arms, and led her outside To where a white car was waiting outside the hospital. She, surprisingly, did not resist or say anything at all, just walked to the car with her face blank.
The journey only took about half an hour but to Pinkie it felt like hours and hours that ultimately lead to her doom. Although she was reassured that it was for her own good, multiple times, she was still convinced that it would send her her insane rather than cure her. When they finally arrived at the asylum Pinkie was met with the sight of an imposing, white building, that seemed to have very few windows, which heightened her thoughts that she would never be able to escape.
As much as she didn't want to leave the car, she didn't resist and promised herself she wouldn't say a word until she was showed her room and perhaps not even then. Part of Pinkie wanted to try and memorise the long, repetitively white hallways so as to escape later on but she knew that she wouldn't be able to and instead kept her head down, her pink hair flopping into her eyes. The room she was shown was a sterile white, as was the rest of the building and backed onto what she was told was a common room. Great. I'll have to socialise with mental people. Just what I always wanted, Pinkie thought, bitterly. The few belongings she was allowed to bring were deposited and she was ushered by the ever present guard to the 'common room' which looked more like a hospital waiting room. Inside was a boy, several years older than Pinkie, with sharp teeth, wild eyes and... twisted horns growing out of the top of his head.

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