Chapter 14

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Once Pinkamena Diane Pie returned home, she took the rainbow gems from her pocket and laid them on the table beside the broken elements of harmony. With an evil grin she took the blue shard and placed it into the faded element of laughter, an aqua light flooding the room, bathing Pinkies face in it.
"I'm gonna be so powerful!" She giggled to herself while fixing the elements of kindness and loyalty, "I'll easily be able to kill all those bastards that made me suffer." The second she slotted the purply pink coloured gem into the chip in the element of magic, all six stones began to rise up, floating and glowing in front of Pinkies face. She spread her arms, encircling the magical objects in her grip, what felt like electricity coursing through her body. Screaming, her feet lifted off the ground, a pink star in a golden crown upon her head, an orange apple and pink butterfly set in similar gold on one wrist and a red lightning bolt and a purple diamond on the other. The bright blue balloon was around her neck like a choker, glowing even brighter than the rest. Pinkie let out an cliche evil laugh, throwing her head backwards, her fading green hair flicking the walls and crackling.
"No one will escape me now. Never!" She screeched, a stream of red light from her left wrist hitting and destroying the wall in front of her, the house crumbling as she flew upwards, laughing all the while.

"Sister! He is too strong! We shall never beat him without the elements of harmony!" Princess Luna cried, her deep blue magic trying and failing to keep Sombra at bay.
"We must try! The fate of Equestria rides on us winning this battle!" Princess Celestia replied, flying above her sister and herding terrified crystal ponies out of their homes and away from the wrath of the so called King.
"The elements must be retrieved! We alone are not strong enough to defeat -" Luna was cut off by Sombra appearing on the balcony of Princess Cadences now empty castle, a black mist surrounding him.
"You are right. You are not strong enough. And you never will be!" A stream of dark magic shot from his sharp horn, aiming straight at Luna. She managed to dodge it, something she would later live to regret as it instead hit Princess Celestia, knocking her out of the sky, breaking her wings, singing her fur and rendering her unconscious. Luna screamed in anger, fearing her sister dead and her eyes flashed, pupils becoming thin and feline, her teeth sharpening and coat darkening.
Nightmare Moon stood in opposite King Sombra, this time planning on using her dark powers for good, shooting bolts of pure power from her horn, her opponent doing the same. They dodged and ducked each other's magic until eventually Sombra was hit, getting knocked off the crystal balcony. Luna immediately transformed back to herself, flying at top speed to her sister; but before she could get there the sky went dark and she knew it was too late. Princess Celestia was dead.

When news of their Principals death reached them, Twilight and her friends blamed it on Pinkie Pie. It was, in a very roundabout way, her fault but they did not know this and simply pinned it on her because they hated her for what she had done.
  "This is all her fault!" Applejack said angrily, "All of this shit is her fault."
  "It was just a heart attack... That's not really Pinkies fault..." Fluttershy was trying to avoid an argument but instead her comment had the opposite effect,
  "Yes it is!" Snapped Rainbowdash, "It's her fault everyone is dying! You heard about Timber Spruce didn't you? She's a murderer!"
  "But she was corrupted..." The light pink haired girl argued weakly,
  "By her own drugs! This is all her fault! All of it! That bitch has ruined our lives for nothing!"
"But -"
  "BUT NOTHING!!!" Rainbow screamed, "I wish she was fucking dead!" Tears were streaming down her face and she was receiving both angry and sad looks from her friends, Flutttershy and Rarity looking on the brink of crying too. Just as she was about to leave the room, a loud smash was heard and a strange orange light appeared to emanate from the bottom floor of  the Sweet Apple Acres barn.
  "What in the hay was that?" Asked Applejack, standing up and rushing to the stairs.
  "Wait!" Cried Twililght, grabbing her friends shoulder, "Don't go down on your own. You don't know what happened." Applejack opened her mouth as if to reply but was cut off by more destructive sounds and lights from downstairs.
  "Ah'm going down." She announced, the others right behind her, failing in their attempt to be quiet.
  "You know, it's not very nice really. When people pretend they love you, when really they never want to see you again." An innocent voice floated out of the kitchen, "It really can make you feel quite...sad." On the last word the voice dropped its innocence and a wild eyed, gold adorned Pinkie Pie came into the room.
  "PINKIE!" Rainbowdash screamed, throwing herself at her friend, punching her over and over again.
"It won't work." Pinkie laughed, the punches not affecting her at all, "Can't you see what I'm wearing?"
  "The elements!" Exclaimed Twilight, "Give those back, you bitch!"
  "Now, now Twilight. No bad language." She said as if scolding a small child, "And Rarity? It's rude to stare."
  "And it's also rude to kill the Principal of your school." Snapped the fashionista.
  "That wasn't me! That was King Sombra in the pony world! He killed the Princess...I just released him." After she made this statement Twilight launched herself at her ex-friend, scratching at her and yelling. Pinkie was not affected and simply used the elements of harmony to throw Twilight and Rainbowdash off her, both ending up unconscious and bleeding. She then once again rose into the sky, collapsing Sweet Apple Acres right on top of her old friends, still, laughing. Always, laughing.

A/N: Really, really sorry for the slow update!!!

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