Chapter 13

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Pinkie Pie no longer looked like herself, after dying her hair a vivid green and skilfully adding make up to change her face. She flashed an evil grin at herself in the smudged mirror, then strode out of her basement, looking for all the world like Lemon Zest from Crystal Prep. The only difference was her slightly paler skin and light blue eyes, but she hoped they would not be noticed, and besides, she had more important things to focus on.
She caught the bus to Camp Everfree, headphones blasting music to add to her appearance as the music obsessed girl from her rival school. No one gave her a second glance, her neon green hair the most distinctive thing about her, her true identity completely obscured. Of course, the fact she was one of only three people on the bus, and the only one planning on getting off at Camp Everfree helped her inconspicuousness.
When the bus finally rolled to a stop, Pinkie - that is, Lemon Zest, - hopped off, trying to formulate a story for her arrival in her damaged brain. She caught a glimpse of the overly happy, talkative camp owner, Gloriosa Daisy and ducked behind a tree; she was the last person she wanted to see. But it was too late, Gloriosa had seen Pinkie and came rushing over, engaging the disguised girl in a conversation she didn't want,
"Hello! And welcome to Camp Everfree! What can I do for you today? I'm afraid it's out of season for school trips but I'm always looking for new volunteers!" The pink haired woman was practically bouncing, reminding Pinkie of her old self in a way that made her hate Gloriosa all the more.
"I..." Struggling to come up with a plausible story, she took the camp leaders last words as inspiration, "I'm here to volunteer. I can help out in the camp."
"That's wonderful!" Gloriosa flung an arm around Pinkies shoulder, making her flinch, "Luckily I have a spare tent all ready! You can go and make yourself at home and then I'll show you around the camp."
"No that's okay. I know my way around. My...friends have been here before. And I don't have anything to unpack."
"Oh..." Gloriosa faltered for a second, then regained her cheery smile, "I'll just leave you to it! We can run through camp rules tomorrow, there's plenty of time for you to learn before the next set of campers arrive!" Pinkie Pie nodded, then headed towards the tent the camp leader had indicated. She sat on the bed, remembering the power crazy demon the seemingly harmless woman had become with the magical crystals found in a cave nearby. Maybe her best interests for the camp had been at heart, but her magic had almost destroyed it. The shards of the elements of harmony had corrupted Gloriosa in a similar way that Twilights crown had corrupted Sunset Shimmer. Pinkie Pie was not looking for this corruption but she would use it to her advantage if that was what happened; it would get her what she wanted, after all.
In the early hours of the following morning, just before the golden sun bathed Camp Everfree in its light, Pinkie Pie set off towards the forest. Her destination was a hidden cave, in which the magical crystals had first been found and she hoped they would remain.
"Lemon Zest!" A voice called from the other side of the camp, confusing Pinkie for a second before she remembered her disguise. She whirled around to see Timber Spruce running towards her, waving. Pinkie grimaced; she loathed Timber, even more than Glorisosa and she was worried that he would ruin her plans,
"Yeah?" She called back, putting on her falsely happy voice,
"Are you planning on going into the forest? Cuz you're not meant to go on your own if you don't know where you're going."
"Come on. I'll take you. Where d'you wanna go?"
"I heard a rumour about some special crystals hidden in a cave around here," Pinkie said, playing innocent,
"Yeah. I can take you there. The rumours are true after all. You see, Glorisosa used them to harness their power to protect the camp. What she did was wrong and six lovely girls from Canterlot High School helped her see this. So now the crystal shards are kept in the cave they were found in, just now they're protected. Especially by Glorisosa. Once she realised what she did anyway. So yeah, the rumours are one hundred percent true!"
"Cool." Pinkie wasn't really listening; she knew this already and hated talking to Timber, "Is that it?" She asked, spotting a cave in the distance.
"Yep! That's it!" Timber ran up to the cave, leading Pinkie inside, "And those are the infamous crystals!" He announced proudly. Pinkie Pie was in awe. The element shards were emitting a beautiful rainbow glow, bathing her face in it. Leaning closer, her stupor was broken by Timber,
"Hey!" He said, "Make sure you don't touch them!" Pinkie Pie didn't listen and as quickly as she could scooped the gems up into her hands. She screamed as an immense power surged through her body, her eyes lighting up.
"STOP!" Timber Spruce screamed. Pinkie used the small amount of power in the crystals (which was more than she had expected) she flung a rainbow bolt at him, slicing straight through his heart and killing him instantly. The element shards faded, the last part of their magic drained, but Pinkie Pie knew combining them with the rest of the elements would make them and her all powerful. With an evil laugh, she kicked Timbers body aside and strode out of the cave with the gems in her hand, elated that finally, she could bring death to whoever she wanted.

"Sister!" Princess Celestia called in panic, "Sombra has escaped his prison!"
"But that's impossible!" Cried Luna,
"It's true." Said Celestia, "He is attacking the Crystal Empire as we speak!"
"Oh my goodness. What can we do?" Luna flew over to the window, as if she would be able to see the endangered empire,
"I do not know dear sister. The elements of harmony now seem our only hope."
"But we cannot take them from the tree of harmony! Equestria will be in danger!"
"The Crystal Empire is also. And it must be protected. Now, go. Find Princess Twilight. I shall remain, and send guards to evacuate."
"Yes my sister." Luna nodded her deep blue head, then surrounded herself in glittering magic, then disappearing from sight. When she appeared in Twilights castle, she found the young princess unconscious, in a pool of her own vomit.
"Twilight!" She called, rushing over yo her. The purple alicorns eyes fluttered open and her wings struck out, almost hitting Princess Luna.
"They...they're..g-gone..." She whispered, coughing weakly,
"What're gone? Twilight, what's happened? You must tell me!"
"The elements of harmony? They're gone? Who took them?"
"I- I...don't know..."
"Please! Sombra has escaped and is attacking the Crystal Empire! You must tell me everything you know!"

A/N: Sorry for the slow update, and please, please, please comment and tell me what you think so far! I would really appreciate it! XD

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