Chapter 17

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"What?!?" Screeched Bonbon in horror as her best friend delivered her the awful news in a strangely cheery manner, "She can't do that! It's not legal!"
"Luna makes the law." Lyra replied with a shrug, "And anyway, it's a good thing, I don't see why you're -"
"You think this is a good thing? Are you out of your mind? They are going to kill her. That's murder! She was our friend!"
"Was." Lyra muttered, "She deserves to die for what she's done."
"That wasn't her!" Bonbon cried, sounding desperate, "You know this is wrong!" She whimpered slightly at the nod her friend gave, the golden light from her horn dimming as she headed towards the door of the house.
"But..." Bonbon whispered into the darkness, the shadows giving her no answer.

"We can't stay here." Twilight announced, her and her friends having called an unofficial meeting in Fluttershy's cottage, "Hiding from her isn't going to do any good."
"But she wants to kill us." Whispered Fluttershy, who was stroking her pet bunny, Angel with a hand that kept shaking,
"And I want to kill her." Growled Rainbowdash,
"Be quiet." Snapped Rarity, "Fluttershy's right. We're going to get killed if we don't stay here. I vote moving as far away as we possibly can."
"But then she'll follow us there." Applejack pointed out, "And then she'll try and destroy that place too."
"Stop!" Twilight cried, sensing tension in the air, "We can't go anywhere else and we definitely can't stay here. We need to go and talk to Pinkie."
"Maybe you should've been the one in that asylum." Rainbow scoffed, staring out of the window at the thunderclouds their corrupted friend had summoned, "You know you can't do that."
"But -" began Twilight,
"What if -"
"Let her speak, darling," Rarity interjected, hearing that Twilight had been about to voice an idea,
"What if..." The purple haired girl said tentatively, "I went back to Equestria. And talked to that Pinkie."
"Won't it be the same there?" Asked Fluttershy,
"No," laughed Rainbow, "Those elements are here you idiot." She didn't say it in a joking manner, and received several stony glares.
"Then maybe that Pinkie will be different." Twilight said, determined to stick to her plan, "I'm going to go and find out."
"Do be careful though, won't you?" Rarity asked, placing a hand on Twilights shoulder, "There's magic there so it will be more dangerous...will it not?"
"Maybe. It depends on what's happening. But I am a princess there, I'll be fine."
"Don't think royalty will protect you." Rainbowdash finally looked away from the window and stared at Twilight, her angry pink eyes burning into her friends sad purple ones, "It didn't help your precious princess."
"You bitch." Twilight said under her breath, her voice venom, "You -"
"Come with me." Applejack said, grabbing her by the arm and dragging her outside, leaving Fluttershy and Rarity to deal with Rainbowdash's anger, "We're going to the portal."
"Okay..." Twilight replied, taking a deep breath to calm herself, "Let's go."

"This is ridiculous!" Princess Luna bellowed, "Absolutely ridiculous!"
"Luna, I'm sorry, these protests aren't my fault..." Princess Cadence, said, her ruling partner looming over her in an intimidating way, "Honestly..."
"Silence! How do you expect me to believe you?! You don't want me to execute her and then all of a sudden, half of Equestria has the same problem! How are you bribing them?"
"I'm not!" Cadence whimpered, Luna's horn sparking magic that was aimed at her, "They just think the same way! I'm not bribing them - I've never even spoken to them!"
"Then why is this happening?" Luna screamed, traces of Nightmare Moon becoming ever more present, "They are rebelling against my orders! Against my rule!"
"It's an execution. For a pony who has done nothing. You can't expect everyone to agree with you! You can't really expect that!"
"Do you want me to kill you too? Because if it's necessary, I will do it." Luna growled, threatening her co - ruler with magic,
"No." Cadence said softly, her horn beginning to glow a soft turquoise, "No."
"What did you say to me?"
"I said no. I said it because you do not rule over me and you can not tell me what to do. We rule together. And if you cannot accept that then we will rule separately. But no matter what we will stay on the same level of power and I am listening to my people. And they say that what you are doing is wrong. And they are right." Cadence stood up straighter, her voice growing in volume and confidence and the light of her horn growing steadily brighter,
"Not all of them think that." Snapped Luna, "And neither do I. And I have always had more power than you. Why do you think we sent you to live in the Crystal Empire? You weren't a proper ruler! You know this!"
"That's a lie." Said Cadence, "And even if your twisted mind thinks it isn't, I am a ruler now."
"You said that you would rule either with me or separately." Luna said in a mockingly thoughtful tone, "Does this mean you don't want to rule with me any longer? How sad... I suppose you will have to send you away then -" she left a pause, waiting for a reply, but got nothing but a stony glare, "What part of Equestria do you want? I'm afraid the real ruler will get the decent parts."
"You are being childish and stupid." Cadence said bluntly, "And I do hope you aren't serious, because it will destroy our realm."
"Maybe it will destroy yours. Choose where it shall be." Luna turned away, looking to a map on one of the castles vast stone walls,
"I will not just take a random portion of ponies. Those who believe you are doing wrong, are those who I will strive to give a better life." Cadence said, without looking at the map even once.
"Then don't expect us to co - exist as rulers." Luna warned,
"Don't expect me to care." Cadence walked out of the room, headed to her own and then left the castle, flying away from Canterlot for what would be the last time.

Rainbowdash had finally let go of her anger and was apologising profusely to Rarity and Fluttershy, the second of which being the easiest to persuade, when there was a sudden knock on the wooden door. A strange glow seemed to be filtering through the glass window beside the door and the three friends glanced nervously around at each other.
"Come out, come out, wherever you are!" Called a horribly familiar sing song voice, "I want to play!"

A/N : I know this chapter is basically just conversations but I felt like they were important, especially the Luna and Cadence one! Please let me know what you think so far, this hasn't got that many reads and I really appreciate comments and votes! XD

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