Chapter 24

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The events that had happened during the battle came rushing back to Lyra Heartstrings at the same time as her consciousness. Golden eyes fluttering open, she struggled into a sitting position, blood matting her coat where her former best friend had stabbed her.
"Shit," she grunted through clenched teeth, as a bolt of pain shot across her whole body. This however, was soon forgotten, as she saw the carnage around her; bodies of ponies lay strewn around her, pools of blood seeping from their fatal wounds. Gagging, Lyra forced herself to stand, and limped away. The pain was unbearable but she couldn't bear to stay amongst the seemingly endless dead with not a single live pony in sight. As soon as the injured, possibly dying mare managed to drag herself away from the remnants of the first deadly battle Equestria had ever seen, she collapsed, looking for all the world like just another dead pony.

While sneaking around the castle that used to belong to the princess of the sun and was now as dark as the night the new ruler had brought, Pinkie Pie stumbled across the remaining ponies under Luna's rule. She suppressed a gasp as she saw them donning the purple and black armour of Nightmare moons guards, Luna handing them all weapons, looking more and more like Nightmare moon. Once every pony had been laden with weapons, they arranged themselves into orderly ranks and began to chant Princess Luna's name, except it was not the name that everypony knew her by. The crescendo of voices rose and rose, until the words 'Queen Luna' were shaking the roof. Pinkies eyes widened, and she backed away, the noise so loud that she was not worried about the clacking of her hoofs on the stone floor, as she couldn't even hear it herself. When she left the castle Pinkie Pie peered her head around a corner and saw her old friend Lyra Heartstrings lying lifeless on the cobblestone around the side of the castle where she was hiding. The blood drained from her already pale face and she rushed towards the turquoise pony, laying her head on her chest in a fruitless attempt to find a heartbeat. Unsurprisingly, there wasn't one, but her bloodied chest was still warm. Only a few hours ago, the Princess of Friendship had been killed and before then Pinkie Pie had lost Fluttershy, not to mention the other ponies that had been killed in the battle and all of these had happened because of the psychopathic,human version of herself. Standing up, and looking out into the distance at the permanent darkness, she gritted her teeth and snorted. Pinkie Pie had had enough.

"Pinkamena...?" Rarity crawled to the edge of the magical prison she, Rainbowdash and Applejack were being held in, "Please..."
"No." Pinkamena replied with an over exaggerated sigh of annoyance, "I want you dead and starving you is the most entertaining way of doing it since I have already exhausted the idea of recreating 'The Hunger Games'."
"Your a monster..." Croaked Rainbowdash,
"No I'm not," Then realisation passed over Pinkamena's face, "Wait a minute...maybe I am!" She started to laugh, softly at first but then uncontrollably, slapping the side of her leg with her hand and struggling to catch her breath.
"Ya think this is funny?" Demanded Applejack, attempting to stand up, but collapsing to the floor in weakness,
"I - I - Yes!" Pinkamena said between bursts of laughter, gaining disbelieving looks of anger and horror from the dying, imprisoned girls in front of her.
"Wait." Within seconds, she had stopped laughing, and a look of worry crept onto the deranged girls face, "No, no, no, no, NO! This isn't supposed to happen! She's ruining my plans! STUPID BITCH!" As she began to pace backwards and forwards, wringing her hands together, Applejack, Rarity and Rainbowdash shared a confused look, all three of them thinking that Pinkamena had become even crazier than they had thought possible.
"What is she doing?!?" The girl screeched, the element of magic glowing around her neck, and gesturing angrily as she shouted at the empty air, "I can't kill her! I can't! This is messing up everything! She can't do this! She has to think the same as me! SHE HAS TO!" She let out a shriek like an enraged child told they couldn't do the one thing they wanted to do most.

Pinkie pie ran as fast as she could, hoofs pounding the floor as she raced towards the mirror that she knew could transport her to the human world, where she could face up against her evil self. But when she arrived, all that was there was a pile of purply rocks with a rainbow sheen, covered with hateful messages, scrawled on pieces of paper. Then she remembered that when they were in the prison together, Twilight had said something about the portal being destroyed. But Pinkie had been too scared of her approaching death to listen too closely to everything Twilight had told her, and the purple mare had been in so much pain many of her words had been slurred and hard to understand. Not that it mattered now, the portal was gone, as was Twilight. A feeling of hopelessness began to wash over her; how was she going to get to Pinkamena? How could she stop her from killing the rest of her friends? It was only then that she realised: she couldn't. There was absolutely nothing she could do. Unless, she was willing to do something impossible. Which at that point, she was.

"We have to do something about this." Discord said, running a hand through his dark fringe, "I can't stand just being in this stupid asylum not knowing anything about what's happening."
"Maybe nothing is happening." Maniac said from her place on the worn out sofa, "You don't know that either."
  "Sometimes I wish you had stayed silent." Grumbled Discord, throwing himself down next to her, before restlessly getting back up again a few seconds later, "And something is happening. There's no way Pinkie would have done what she has and then stopped."
   "Just because nothing has been reported doesn't mean nothing's happening." Sombra said, striding into the room, "And she calls herself Pinkamena now."
  "Yeah, well I don't." Discord snapped, "And I am going to find out what's happened if it's the last thing I do."
Sombra laughed, "If you go anywhere near her, it will be the last thing you do."

A/N: I'm back! I said I'd finish it and I'm finishing it. Hope you guys like the chapter! XD

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2017 ⏰

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