Chapter 4

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"Hello Pinkie Pie," the boy gave a toothy grin, "My names Discord, and I'm afraid you're gonna be stuck with me for a long time cuz whatever you're planning won't work. You can't get out of here."
"Oh, umm..." Pinkie hadn't expected him to be so talkative, "How do you know who I am?"
"I know all about you," Discord said, smiling relentlessly, "The bastards who run this place always tell you about the new arrivals," Pinkie glanced furtively at the guard standing in the corner of the room.
"Don't worry," Discord laughed, "They can't hear us." On closer experience Pinkie saw they were wearing headphones; at least that gave them some privacy.
"Good." Pinkie said flatly, "They won't hear me planning to escape,"
"Did you listen to anything I just said? You can't escape from here, no one can. It's where they lock up all the mad ones they can't deal with."
"They seem to be dealing with you pretty well,"
"Ooh, feisty, aren't you?"
"Shut up. I didn't ask to have to share this place with you,"
"Wouldn't have done you much good if you had. They don't listen to anything you say around here,"
"That's because they all think you're crazy,"
For some time after Pinkies encounter with Discord, they sat in awkward silence, not even broken when a girl with writhing green hair strolled into the room. It was not long after she entered that Pinkie left for her bedroom, not being able to take the tension anymore. When she returned to her awfully white room, she sat down on her bed and began to cry. She was convinced she wouldn't last for more than a few days in the horrible asylum and began to curse the drugs she cooked up in her own kitchen. Why did this have to happen to her? She couldn't even remember when the addiction had started and this only made her cry even more.

Twilight Sparkle was sitting, trying to focus on her homework when her phone rang, the tinny theme tune from her favourite tv programme emanating from her bag. Suspiciously she answered it, despite it being from an unknown number.
"Hello?" She said, hoping her voice wouldn't crack as she had been crying not long before.
"Hello." A crisp, professional voice answered, "I am calling to discuss the placement of your friend Pinkamena Diane Pie who has been referred to our asylum earlier today."
"Oh..." Twilight had completely forgotten that she would be receiving a call about Pinkie and hoped it wouldn't set her off crying again - she had been very emotional the past few days, as had the rest of her friends, "Yes?"
"We will not be able to say how long she will be staying with us, as it is not certain how long it will take her to recover. Also she will be allowed visitors once every week -"
"Every week?" Twilight spluttered in disbelief, "That's way to long for her not to see anyone!"
"But..." The voice now had an annoyed edge to it, "She has been placed with others her own age in a shared common room with her own bedroom coming off of it."
"And will she ever be able to go out?" Twilight was beginning to get angry,
"We have a garden available for our patients."
"Good." She couldn't take it anymore and the purple haired girl slammed the phone down, sobbing.

After Pinkie had been introduced to the wild haired girl and a boy with a shock of black hair and evil looking red eyes, she finally managed to get Discord to talk about escape.
"There's got to be some way to get out of here," Pinkie said, hoping she didn't sound desperate.
"There could be...," he said, watching the girls bright blue eyes grow wide, "But not that I know. And I know a lot." He winked. Pinkie frowned.
"Be serious." She said, words nobody who knew her would have ever expected to come out of Pinkie Pies mouth.
"Why?" He laughed, "There's no reason to do anything when you live here! Loosen up a little, enjoy the freedom."
"You're mad," Pinkie snarled, "There's nothing to like about this awful place, it's a prison!"
"And one you're locked in," Sombra, the red eyes boy said, not looking to pleased with his new roommate, "So deal with it."
"There's nothing even wrong with me..." Pinkie whispered.
"You know full well there is." Discord said, "There's something wrong with all of us."

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