Chapter 16

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After clambering out of the wreckage of the Sweet Apple Acres barn, the five friends began to discuss what they should do about Pinkie Pie.
  "We have to stop her!" Twilight said, clutching her heavily bruised arm to her chest, "She's out of control!"
"But darling, there's nothing we can do." Rarity was speaking more quietly than usual and had faint streaks of mascara across her pale cheeks,
  "There has to be something!" Twilight argued desperately,
  "Like what?" Spat Rainbowdash, who was sitting down and holding Fluttershys pale pink handkerchief to her head wound, "She's got the elements of disharmony. We have nothing."
  "They're called the elements of harmony." The purple haired girl corrected,
  "Well they aren't exactly harmonious are they?" Rainbowdash was beginning to get annoyed, "They're gonna destroy everything!" Fluttershy opened her mouth as if to say something, but was cut off by a bloodcurdling scream. Glancing around them, the friends realised their number had been reduced to four, and Applejack was missing. Twilight and Rarity ran off to find her and Fluttershy tried to help Rainbowdash up onto her inured ankle.
  "Applejack?" Called Rarity, scanning the remains of her friends home, her worried expression matching Twilights,
"Can you see her?" She asked,
"No." Rarity shook her head, then stood in silence,
"There!" Called Twilight, starting to run, "I hear crying!" When the two friends reached the source of the noise, they gasped in horror. Applejack was sitting amongst the planks of broken wood, cradling the body of her sister in her arms. Applebloom's face was covered in dirt and dust and her arms and legs were bent at strange angles; she wasn't breathing.
  "S-she was on the top f-floor." Applejack stammered, "In her r-room."
  "Oh my goodness." Rarity gasped, flinging herself to her knees beside Applebloom, "Is she...?" She couldn't bear to finish her sentence and Applejack nodded. Rarity broke down in tears, Twilight doing the same behind her. They then heard a scream and whipped around to see Scootaloo standing there, looking at her dead friend,
  "I'm gonna kill her." She hissed, clenching her fists, everyone understanding who she meant, "I'M GONNA KILL HER!" And she ran, wanting desperately to find the girl who called herself Pinkamena.

Pinkamena knocked on the door of a house. A very normal house, that was the home of a girl she used to be friends with - back when she had friends. Within seconds the door was opened and a pink haired girl holding a glass of wine appeared,
  "Pinkie Pie?" She asked incredulously, a drop of wine falling onto the carpet like blood, "But you - you're meant to the asylum...I thought - why are you - what?!"
  "Oh Berry Punch." Pinkamena said in a soft, friendly tone, "I escaped. You know that. But I need your help. I need you to tell my old friends that- why are you shaking your head? I thought you liked me. Don't you want to help your friends?"
  "You aren't my friend!" Protested Berry Punch, replacing the glass in her hand with her phone, "And I'm gonna have to-"
"Tell someone? I don't think so." Pinkamenas voice was quiet, but deadly, "That wouldn't be very nice."
  "You're a murderer!" Cried Berry Punch, her knuckles going white as she gripped the phone, "I have to phone the police, I can't let you-" A bolt of blue light shot out of Pinkies necklace and struck the terrified girl in the chest, striking her down and knocking over her wine glass so the bright red liquid spilled over her, like blood. Which was fitting, Pinkamena thought, seeing as she was dead.
  "Oh well." She said to herself in a singsong voice, gently shutting the door of Berry Punches house, "There will be someone here who will tell my friends they won't escape me. Someone to tell them that they won't survive. And if they refuse, neither will they." She smiled an evil smile as she used the element of loyalty to summon storm clouds that perfectly reflected the terror she wanted so many to feel. As she stood, watching the lightning strike the horizon, she thought about where she was headed; her main goal had been the destruction of the asylum she was kept in but now...after the encounter with her friends, Pinkamena thought they deserved to die most of all.
  Pinkamena raised a pink eyebrow as she spotted a small figure running towards her, face as angry as the storm she had summoned.
  "Why hello Scootaloo!" She called, the elements of harmony raising her up off the ground, "What brings you here?" She didn't falter, even when the small girl flung herself at her, clawing and scratching and screaming. Pinkamena flung a bolt of purple light at Scootaloo, that left her lying sprawled on the concrete sidewalk, unconscious.
  "You're lucky." She told her, "That wasn't quite enough to kill you. I don't hate you that much." She smiled a terrifying smile and sauntered off, deciding to recruit more old friends to help her, knowing she would cause many of their deaths when they inevitably refused.

"This is getting out of hand." Princess Luna said, struck with grief at the death of the young filly Applebloom, "We simply cannot allow this to keep happening! Pinkamena must be stopped!"
  "But Luna..." Princess Cadence had taken Celestia's place, yet only in name - she could do nothing to fix the eternal darkness, "She is in another dimension. The Pinkie Pie in this world is not the same -"
  "Are you saying I should let her go?" A flash of anger momentarily lit up Princess Luna's eyes,
  "No...I am just saying that...maybe we shouldn't blame her for something that isn't entirely her fault..." Cadence bit her lip, scared she would enrage the other princess. Which was exactly what happened.
  "Isn't entirely her fault?" Luna's voice was a deadly whisper, "Isn't entirely her fault? They are one in the same. They are both insane. They are both murderers. And I will not have this happening under my rule."
  "Luna, please." Cadence sensed that the princess of the night was about to do something terrible, something she could never forgive her for,
"I am sorry Cadence, but this is necessary. Pinkamena Diane Pie shall be executed."

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