Chapter 11

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During the four days it took Pinkie Pie to travel the icy wastelands on her way to release Sombra from his prison, her old friends in the human world were on the receiving end of many interrogations. They were the people closest to Pinkie during what happened and therefore were asked what seemed like endless questions by both the asylum and the police.
  "This is bullshit." Rainbowdash said to the others during some of their rare free time they were spending in Fluttershys cottage, "I mean, seriously, it's got nothing to do with us!"
  "Well she was our friend." Pointed out Rarity, "I supposed it's sort of to do with us."
"That don't mean we have to be harassed does it?" Said Applejack,
  "Well, I wouldn't call it harassment..." Rarity argued weakly,
  "Who cares what you call it!" Interrupted Twilight, "I just want them all to leave us alone!" There was a chorus of agreement.
  "But we still don't know where Pinkie is," said Fluttershy, "They can't find her."
  "I don't care where she is." Sneered Rainbow, "She's probably dead."
  "Don't say that, Dash," said Twilight sadly,
  "Why not? She probably is. It would be her own fault anyway."
  "Rainbowdash!" Exclaimed Rarity, "Don't you dare say such awful things!"
"I don't care!" She said, "And why is she all we talk about. She's long gone by now."
"Don't you miss her?" Asked Fluttershy, "At all?"
"I maybe loyal but that doesn't mean I'm forgiving." Said Rainbow bluntly, getting up and gathering her things, soon leaving her friends to sit, contemplating what she'd said.

By the time Pinkie Pie arrived at her destination she was tired, hungry and cold, yet still as determined as when she'd left. The building in which Sombra was imprisoned was much smaller than she had expected and was only the size of a house with one floor, grey and bleak. It turned out that it's small appearance was due to the majority of space being underground for added security, which was almost not needed; it was surrounded by a high fence, topped with sharp, deadly points and guards with spears posted at the entrance.
Although Pinkie had never seen Royal guards before, she was rather intimidated by their glittering armour and professional posture. She took a deep breath and prepared to imitate the pony version of herself, knowing they would think she was her and not a human imposter.
"Hello!" She said, in a sugar coated voice that sounded just as hers once had,
"Hello Pinkie Pie," replied the guard on the left with a nod of acknowledgement, surprising her by knowing her name, "What brings you here?"
"I've just come to...visit!"
"Visit?" Asked the other guard suspiciously,
"Well..." Pinkie was worried she had blown her cover, "Not visit exactly...just come to have a look!"
"Alright." The guard on the left said, seeming more lenient than his partner, "Go on in." Pinkie beamed, the fake smile disguising her true intentions. Identical to that of the outside, the walls were cold grey stone, the seemingly endless spiral stairs the same. She descended very slowly, mostly because she was still unsteady on her hooves but also because she was nervous. In the human world she knew Sombra very well and she constantly had to remind herself that he would not know her; at least not her true identity.
"Sombra?" She called into the darkness as she stepped off the very last stone stair,
"What do you want?" A familiar voice snarled from within a prison cell Pinkie could not see. A light flared up from Sonbra's horn and the room was illuminated, not a single change in the architecture.
"I want to help you." Pinkie said, stepping forward cautiously,
"Fuck off." Sombra growled, from within his cell,
"Please. I'm not who you think I am."
"You're one of the princesses friends. It was you bitches who got me here in the first place."
"I'm not. I promise. I'm not even from this world. I can't explain it but I need your help."
"Why should I listen to you?"
"Because if you help me get to the elements of harmony -"
"I can't help you get anywhere!" Sombra interrupted, "I'm stuck in a bloody prison."
  "But I can help you get out. Then you can help me in return." She opened her saddlebag and took out the key, hearing it clink against something else metal. This confused her as that was the only thing inside and peering in she saw a very familiar, red tinged knife. How did that get in there? She asked herself, remembering putting it in her pocket back in the human world.
  "Are you gonna get me out of here or not?" Complained Sombra, breaking Pinkies train of thought,
  "Sorry," she muttered, taking the key into her mouth and inserting it into ten keyhole next to the now grinning black pony. A satisfying click resonated around the cold, stone walls, just as Pinkie knew it would, releasing the evil King.
  "Come on." She hissed, "They might have heard that."
  "The guards?" Asked Sombra, "How are you planning on getting past them?" Pinkie didn't answer, simply swapped the key in her mouth for the knife she didn't know she had.
  "I'll take one, you take the other." Pinkie told him, her words hard to make out through the weapon stolen from a meal in another world. Sombra nodded, knowing exactly what the pink pony meant.
  When the unlikely pair reached the top of the spiral staircase they pounced on the unsuspecting guards. Pinkie Pie, still not used to her hooves, kept the dinner knife clamped in her muzzle, plunging it into a soft spot between the guards glittering plates of armour. He kicked out but it was too late; Pinkie used the split second of surprise to run around his front and stab him in the chest. Once her second murder had been committed, she glanced over to her left, to see the other guard also dead, having been skewered by Sombra's unnaturally sharp horn. They were both covered in blood, Pinkies mane matted and more red than pink, gore splattered around the entrance of the now empty prison.
  "Now." Pinkie said in an orderly tone, sounding like the leader of a deadly army, "Take me to the elements of harmony."

A/N: Sorry for the slow update. Hope you're enjoying! Please vote and comment! XD

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