Chapter 15

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"I can't believe this..." A pale yellow mare with a  bright pink and blue mane was sitting at her favourite table at a cafe in Ponyville, her and her best friend discussing the fate of Equestria. It seemed like a very heavy topic for a lunch out but it was not their ordinary meeting; instead of it being beautifully sunny, they were eating by moonlight, despite it being the middle of the day.
"I know." The turquoise unicorn replied, her golden magic acting as a lantern so her and her friend could see.
"What do you think's going happen?" Asked Bonbon, a worried look on her face, "Now that Celestia's..."
"I guess Luna will take over but, I don't know." Lyra took a bite of her sandwich, a much too normal meal for such an abnormal day. Bonbon glanced upwards at the moon, her blue eyes reflecting it, wondering if they would ever see the sun again.
"I'm sure Cadence can help, I mean, she's a princess too isn't -" Lyra was cut off by a grey pegasus crashing into their table.
"Derpy!" Bonbon cried, leaping off her seat and helping her friend up,
"Luna has called a meeting!" Derpy told her, beckoning her and Lyra to follow her as she flew towards the train station, "Everypony has to go!"
"Wait what?" Asked Lyra, trotting after her pegasus friend, "Where are we going?"
"Canterlot!" Derpy said, "Come on! This is important!"

"Ponies of Equestria! I am sure you all know the terrible tragedy that has occurred." Princess Luna stopped for a second to wipe away a tear, "And now of course, we must figure out what we shall do about the sun. Someone must raise it, and indeed take Celestia's place. But first we must address the problem of her death..."
  "How did she die?" A loud shout from the crowd managed to get Luna's attention, a flash of pain and sadness crossing her regal face.
"It was Sombra himself." A ripple of anger crossed the crowd, more shouts echoing around, "And it appears that he did not escape the prison alone...he was helped by none other than one of the Princess of friendships best friends." A collective gasp was heard and several ponies burst into tears, "She was corrupted. They were not her actions and I regret what I will have to do..." Luna used her deep blue magic to pull a rope by the side of the stage, opening the blood red curtains that hung behind her. When they opened, all of Equestria could see the pony being restrained by two Royal guards, screaming and kicking and crying. Pinkie Pie. Her face was pale, her mane matted; she was clearly extremely ill.
  "Let me go!" She screeched, "Let me go! It wasn't me!"
  "Sombra killed Princess Celestia. And he was released by her," Luna pointed a hoof at Pinkie Pie, who only cried more, "Therefore she is partially responsible for the Princesses death, and so the prison she broke Sombra out of shall now be her own."
  "NO!!!" Pinkie screamed, scratching her throat so badly she started coughing and gagging.
  "Look at yourself!" Boomed Luna, "Get out of my sight. You caused my sisters death and you shall pay for it! Now take her AWAY!" The ponies of Equestria were shocked by their Princesses outburst and many were now worried Nightmare Moon would return, destroying them once and for all, with no Elements of harmony nor princess of the sun as protection.
  "It wasn't her." A voice stated, hooves heard approaching the side of the stage. Starlight Glimmer. "I heard what Princess Twilight said. She was from another world. The human world. That isn't the right Pinkie Pie."
"I -" Luna feared she was right, and found herself almost speechless, "It is too late now. And if her human counterpart could do such a thing then so could she. They are one in the same."
"How could you?" Starlights voice was a deadly whisper, "How could you? You can't punish her for crimes she didn't commit! That wasn't her! You can't -"
"SILENCE!" Luna bellowed, guilt seeping through her veins, "Ladies and Gentlecolts. You may now leave. And I suggest you get used to the dark. I cannot bring back the sun..."

"This can't be true!" Bonbon, having known Pinkie Pie best was inconsolable, and hadn't stopped crying since Luna's depressing meeting in Canterlot. Her best friend, Lyra Heartstrings was sitting beside her, a melancholy look on her face.
  "I'm sure everything will turn out alright." Her friend Octavia said, attempting to be positive. Vinyl Scratch nodded, although whether she had heard or it was just her music was questionable.
  "Are we really going to have to live in the dark forever?" Derpy asked, saying the wrong thing at the wrong time like she so often did and receiving a glare from Octavia and Lyra.
  "I just want everything to go back to normal!" Wailed Bonbon, "Why did this have to happen?"
"Did you hear what Starlight said about another world?" Asked Derpy, her question actually rather intelligent for once, "She said it wasn't the real Pinkie."
"What other world?" Bonbon was confused, "How can there be more than one Pinkie? And what could have been so wrong with that one...?" Nopony could answer her questions and they sat in silence, Vinyl even removing her headphones, a sign that only added to the seriousness of the situation.
  The five friends sat like that for a long time, outside the cafe, saying nothing, just comforting each other with silent words. Even when the shop owner left, he did not disturb them, simply leaving them where they were and going home to his family. He was very tired, yet had no idea of the time; it was dark and had been all day, even during the princesses emergency meeting, which had let him know the sun would never return. This worried him, as did it every other pony in Ponyville. Every other pony in Equestria. And as he and many others headed home for a night no different than their day, Bonbon, Lyra, Octavia, Vinyl and Derpy stayed were they were, not knowing that both their lives and everypony else's had been changed by the actions of just one delusional human. One intent on bringing about the destruction of everyone who had hurt her, hurting more and more people and ponies in her wake. Who knew how bad the reverse of laughter could be...?

A/N: Okay so this is just a filler chapter really, cuz I felt we needed to know what was going on in Equestria. Also I wanted to get the background characters in somewhere cuz they're awesome. Hope you are enjoying! XD

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