E I G H T Y - F O U R

18 8 2


Dreams are what we are made of.

Humans are designed to dream. To never give up, to never stop believing.

And with a lot of hard work, ambition and passion, dreams come true. Sometimes, your vision becomes reality.

And I am so unbelievable happy and somehow proud, that my dream became true. Just yesterday.

And you know why? All my life I've been told that everything I do has no value. That it is unimportant. But just yesterday, there was somebody who refused. Who said that I've done good, that I am not what everybody else says.

I'm so thankful. Thankful that all the hard work paid off.

And now, I'm looking forward. Looking forward to a bright future.

- lliqhtred


- 04.11.16 um 21:14 Uhr

This text is written spontaneously, feel free to correct any spelling mistakes.

Dedicated to my lovely dqrkblue

lliqhtblueWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt