Break down

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As she is sitting on the bench, tears unknowingly fall from her eyes and soon, she is sobbing into her hands. Meanwhile, after D.Stylez went off, B.A.P went off too and as they are driving past, they stopped at a red-light and when Zelo is looked out the window, he saw Seorim sitting on the bench, sobbing with her hands covering her face. "Hyung, isn't that Seorim noona?" Zelo asked and all of them looked out the window. "Is she crying?" Daehyun asked, shocked. "Do you want to go down or at least bring her in? Looks like it will rain soon." Manager Kang suggested and Himchan went out after manager Kang find a spot for him to park the van tempoarry.

"Seorim?" Himchan asked and she slolwly looked up. "Hi-Himchan sunbae?!" She shouted, shocked. "I-i thought y-you left." Seorim said added as she wiped away her tears and tried to smile but not successful. "Choisonghamnida. I-i should leave." She apologized while bowing and as she was about to walk away, Himchan grabbed her wrist. "We'll bring you to your dorm. Looks like it'll be raining soon." Himchan said and she looked at the sky. "It's alright. I like rain better." She said softly as tears unknowingly fall again. "It's not safe for a girl to walk around the streets alone." Himchan said and before she could even reject, she was being dragged into their van by Himchan. She sat beside Himchan, near the window. Soon, rain came pouring and her tears soon fall as well. *Harabeoji.. I-i really miss you.* She thought as she kept sobbing. Himchan sighed as he passed her a packet of tissue and patted her back, trying to calm her down.

"C-can you just drop me off near your dorm? I-i can just walk back on my own." She said and manager Kang looked at B.A.P, contemplating. "Hyung, just do what she says." Yongguk said and manager Kang nodded. Once he reached their dorm, Seorim walked out and crouched on a bench, head on her knees as her tears kept falling and hands clutching her knees. "Yah, go back first." Yongguk instructed and they nodded. Once they are gone, Himchan and Yongguk walked towards her. "What's wrong? Why are you crying? Can you tell us?" Himchan asked in a calm tone and Seorim looked at them.

"H-he left me, left us." She said while sobbing and teh two of them looked at her, confused. "Who?" Yongguk asked, curious. "Ha-harabeoji." She said as she cried harder and Himchan hugged her, hushing her and calming her down. "You know.. My grandfather left too so i know how you feel. He is my- no.. Our role-model and also a well-respected person in our lives. To me, my twin brother and noona." Yongguk said and Seorim looked at him, shocked. "Mian.. I-i didn't.. I-i'm sorry." She hurriedly apologized, eyes wide and kept bowing. "It's alright." Yongguk said while smiling as she patted her head. "Why didn't you want to tell your members? I'm sure they are willing to lend you a helping hand." Yongguk said and she shook her head. "In your group, B.A.P. Members shar their past with all of you, right?" Seorim asked and they nodded. "Well.. In our group, we never talked about that. So.. No one knows each other's background or past." Seorim added while wiping away her tears. "And i'm the leader, i'm their pillar. If i break down.. How will they feel? I can't let them feel like this too.": Seorim said and Himchan ruffled her hair. "Yah, Yonggukkie here is also the leader and he too relies on the members, but mostly me so it's alright." Himchan said and she shook her hea.d "Our maknae is a 98-liner, she's still young and she's already afraid of alot of things. I can't scare her more." Seorim said and they nodded, understanding.

"Well.. You can rely on us, right?" Yongguk asked and she shook her head. "Alot of people are relying on you and if i do that.. I'll just be a burden." She said and slowly stood up. "Thanks for hearing me out, but.. Please don't tell my members." Seorim tahnked as she bowed and slowly walked away, head hung low. "She's crying again." Himchan stated and Yongguk nodded. "I just hope she can get over it, it's hard in the beginning. I've been there before so know how she feels." Yongguk said and Himchan nodded.. "You too, cried alot during that time but.. You got over it though." Himchan said while patting his back and Yongguk smiled a little. "That's because i relied on dongsaengs but.. Mostly you. Goamwo." Yongguk thanked and Himchan smiled, making Yongguk smiled too but their smiles soon dissaopeared as they looked at her back-view. "She can't- No, she didn't want to rely on them." Yongguk said and Himchan nodded. "They don't talk alot about their past so.. I don't think they know that Junghye is actually an orphan, right?" Himchan questioned. "Yeah, probably." Yongguk said and both of them went back to their dorm.

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