Why me ? Why?

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 Everything been going good for me , I found a great roommate ,Liana . She is a werewolf too. She is like my new best friend we clicked together from the beginning. It’s been 3 weeks now, she knows everything about me and I know everything about her. Her dad was killed in a rogue attack and her mum committed suicide when she was 5 , from that moment she stayed with her grandparents who passed away 3 months ago.

I feel sorry for her but she is says, she is lucky to have me. I work in a coffee shop now , and life is pretty good expect my wolf , she is so depressed and sad and tears me in pain sometimes. Every night I cry myself because I cant take it anymore.

Liana she is saw me in my wolf form and she said she is jealous but I hate transforming into this dog.

I run to the toilet as fast as I could, vomiting. I guess it’s a flu or food poisoning.  After few minutes in the early and bright morning , spilling my gut out , Liana came in like a zombie.

“What’s wrong?” She asked rubbing her eyes , sleepily, she is definitely not a morning person.

“Probably a flu or something .” I said vomiting more.

“Stay away for me , I don’t want to get it too. Now I am going back to sleep, keep it quiet .” She said and went back to sleep , sleepy head.

After a while I brushed my teeth feeling perfectly fine. I made a big breakfast and ate like a pig . I watched TV ,peacefully.

“BELLAA!!!” Liana shouted from the bathroom .

I came and said next to the door .”What , Liana ?”

“Do you have any pads or tampons because I run out.” She explained. That’s when it hit me . Oh My God this cant be possible … no.no.no..

“It’s fine actually I found some below the sink.” I sat down putting the piece all together, I missed my period for a week . I don’t use a pill and I had sex and I am not sure if he used protection. Today in the morning ...I vomited.

“What are you doing looking so pale?” She said when she got out of the bathroom and sat beside me.

“I-I think I –I..”

“Spit it out.” She demanded.

“I might be pregnant.” I said slowly letting the words sink into me .

“Oh my god !! Name it after me !! Please!!” She stood up and done the happy dance , I laughed and said “I hope not.”

“I will go to the shop right now and buy the pregnancy test , you just wait here and don’t do anything stupid , keep my nephew/niece safe .” She said and run out of the apartment.

I laid out and waited I hope I am not how will I tell my parents and Lily . How will I tell him, William ? My heart ached at the thought of him and my wolf cried in agony.

 A few minutes pasted and Liana returned.

I sat on the toilet not wanting to look at the stick in the sink.

“I can’t do this, Liana” I complained.

“You have to, it’s better sooner then later.” She was right I had to do this.

“You tell me , I don't want to look" I said , I never was so scared in my life. What will I do with the baby? I don't want it to suffer like I did? How will I tell him? Will I have to go back home?

"Well.. Let me tell you it looks like we are going to have a baby!!" She screamed in excitement , when I fainted .


I woke in my bed , Liana looking worriedly at me .

"How are you feeling ?" She asked.

I burst into tears ,she hugged me . "I can't do this ,everything was going fine , with the plan and then he shows up  and ruins everything, Why me? Why?" I said between sobs.

"You don't have to tell them, I will help you. Everything is going to be fine , trust me . I am here for you." She said supportively.

"I have to tell them , I am not sure him, though ." I said looking at her .

"Well, tell your family and he will find out when the day comes, for now all you have to worry about is our baby's health." She answered ,attentively.

I swallowed and got to work. Everything is going to be fine . It has to be.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter . VOTE AND COMMENT :D


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