Chapter 25

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Two days later, Izna was not really feeling good so she decided to visit a doctor. She was unsure whether it is because of tiresome or any other disease. Izna had been constantly sick for the past few months but she never took it seriously nor did she ever bothered to visit a doctor. She used to take medicines and ignored her disease. She would think it was merely a slight fever or cold. But this time it was serious because she could not bear the pains.

 As soon as she went into the doctor's cabin and explained her problem after which she was asked to go for some immediate tests. She did exactly as the doctor told her though she was very stressed out. She was in a state of shock. She did not know what would be in the reports and on top of that that the way Dr.Omar behaved indicates some serious matter.

After half an hour, when Izna's reports came she was asked to come in Dr.Omar's cabin once again. The world stood still when the doctor announced her that she was actually suffering from blood cancer and it was the last stage. She was speechless. It seems like the whole world was collapsing in front of her. She went into a big shock. Dr.Omar tried to talk with her but she burst into tears.

Then an oncologist came to see Izna, Dr.Zaid , he made Izna comfortable and tried to reason her by giving her some hope that maybe she will be fine. But Izna knew it was all false and she would not live longer now. Even Dr.Zaid was so shock to know that such a young lady was suffering from such a cruel disease. Then he found out that Izna's grandmother also was a cancer patient and it was hereditary problems.

Izna was completely broken. She walked out and found Zahra with her daughters in the lounge as Zahra brought her daughters for a regular check-up. And behind she saw Hunayn coming , she could not stop her tears.
Zahra saw her and approached her and asked : "What happened Izna? Why are you crying? All okay no?"
Izna : (silent for a moment) "Actually nothing, I'm fine. Don't worry."
Izna did not want to bother Hunayn's family and definitely not by giving them such a bad news.
Just then Dr.Zaid came outside and gave Izna her reports by saying : "Here is you cancer reports Miss. Izna. Please take good care of yourself."

Hunayn and Zahra was in a great shock. They refused to believe what they have just heard. Especially Hunayn he never thought that such a thing would happen to Izna. He was unable to utter a word, he was sweating so much and he was feeling hot all of a sudden.

Izna was unable to stop her tears thus Zahra approached her and hugged her. Even Hunayn could not stop himself from approaching her. He hugged Izna for the very first time. Zahra did not mind as she knew Izna needed support badly so what if Hunayn is willing to give his shoulder. He was just doing his duty.

Izna felt so warm in Hunayn's arms, she wanted to feel such warmth from the very beginning but she could not due to some reasons. She was unable to understand whether to be happy that Hunayn hugged her or to be sad upon knowing she had only a few days left to live. Hunayn reassured Izna that everything will be fine and not to worry as Almighty Allah is watching everything.

Though Izna had faith in Almighty Allah but she was stressed out because she did not want her parents to know about this. She did not want to hurt her parents. Izna knew that because of her, her parents had once really suffered. She did not want this to happen again. She asked Zahra and Hunayn to promise not to reveal anything to her parents until she does not gather some guts to tell her parents by herself...

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