Chapter 30

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Everyone woke up early the next morning except Izna, Zahra went to call her for breakfast but she was in a deep sleep. Zahra sat next to her and was caressing her hair when she realized Izna was completely cold. Her fingers were so pale, she gave Hunayn a voice and when he came he touched Izna and felt something wrong. He checked her pulse and found no beats. He stood still, broken and desperate knowing that Izna was dead. He could not control himself and just burst into tears.

The Sheikhs were in a deep shocking state. Unable to talk, just cries came out of their mouths. They had no idea that Izna would die so early though they knew she was in her last stage of cancer but they had hope. Unfortunately no  longer. Hunayn knew his responsibilities and he informed Izna's parents. They were broken too as they had no idea about Izna's illness. And Izna did not want them ever to know that she was diagnosed with cancer. Her parents thought Izna died a natural death.

Hunayn called for a doctor to certify the death of Izna and as the doctor stated Izna took her last breath last night itself. Hunayn was extremely sad but could not express himself. Izna's parents and Hunayn performed all the rituals according to Islamic laws. Izna was given a bath, then perfumed, dressed in white and then was laid down in the hall whereby everyone prayed for her soul to rest in peace. Hunayn carried Izna's Janaza and his heart was crying. Arriving at the cemetery, he prayed a lot and he even laid Izna down in the Qabr.

When he returned back home, he was broken and cried out loudly while hugging Zahra. Even the twins was extremely sad and they were not ready to eat anything. But Zahra took great care of them and convinced them to eat something. The house turn out quiet, nobody was happy but it was destiny. Izna had to die and she went far away.

One the other hand, Sahir could not come at the funerals but his sincere prayers were with Izna, he was extremely broken and he was alone there in Cape Town. He felt guilty for not being able to see Izna not even for a last time. And he remembered the words of Izna that maybe it would be too late. He really wept. But Sahir always wanted Izna to be famous, he decided to establish a Fashion and Design Institute in the name of Izna so as Izna's name remain alive. He loved her so much that he found it was still less but there was a kind of satisfaction in his heart.

After a few days, Hunayn went into Izna's room as he was missing her. He was walking around in her room and was touching each and every thing Izna loved. Hunayn dropped one of Izna's book accidently and found a letter in it. Curiously, he opened it and it states :

 "Dear Hunayn, by the time you get this letter I won't be alive because you will come across it only after you have buried me in the soil and when you will miss me you shall come in my room.

These are my last words, a kind of eternal gift for you. I am not here anymore but don't be sad and don't cry. Someday if there is rain, think that I am there in the drops. If the sun troubles you in the morning , know I am there in the rays. I, wrapped in the winds will touch you and pass. If you wish to stop me, do so and I will stay at your lips. Whether I am seen or not just feel me.

As  you have stepped on the threshold of my heart, I have written my life in your name. Like clouds, you have created a shade over me. Like rains, you have drenched me in joys. Like storm, you have blown away my senses. You have bettered my fate in such a way that you have brought a new morning for me.

You are my-and I am your support, I have lived for you. Don't let yourself weakened. Even by dying I shall give this proof. Our relationship is not that of bodies but that of souls. we are two bodies and one life, your and my story is like the water of rains, which rains like love. Whatever this thing that has happened between us it's love, love that has happened. When you were near me, this world was like heaven.

We came close yet the distances never reduced. Our story remained incomplete. It is not necessary that the earth always goes to meet the sky. True love is the one that does not get a destination. We are so much complete together that there is nothing that is lacking.

By meeting you I could not acquire you but I have surely understood the meaning of love. Love is not about taking but giving. My love is for you is eternal. Today I am with you like that sun whose lights will shine in every path of yours. And wherever you go, when any ray of the sun shall touch your face then like a new morning, I will be like a smile on your face, forever.

If not in this world then maybe we'll meet in the eternal world. I promise I will wait for you in front of the gates of Jannah and we will step in together. Just strive hard to get heaven so that we stay together. I love you Hunayn and I always will. Just be happy, I want you to remember me with smile on your lips and not tears in your eyes. Take good care of your family. From one and only your second wife, Izna"

Hunayn took that letter close to his heart and cried a lot. He felt his heart ripping apart from his body. He was in such a pain. But at that time Zahra handled him. Gradually their wounds healed and Hunayn accepted the fact that Izna will never come back now.

Hunayn would go every Friday at Izna's Qabr(tomb) and pray for her. His love for her did not end by the death of Izna but it would surely continues in the next world.


10 years later

Hunayn and Zahra celebrated their silver jubilee. Yes, it's been 25 years since they got married. Their daughters took them on a cruise to celebrate their wedding anniversary. They really missed Izna on that day, especially Hunayn as he met Izna on his wedding anniversary itself but he was happy for he knew that wherever Izna is, she would be happy too. 

Aleena and Aleeza were two young mature adults and both are them were married in a very respectful house. By the grace of Almighty Allah they never committed fornication in their life, they led a life which their parents dreamed for them. Hunayn felt that his duty towards Izna was completed by marrying off his daughters as he always wanted such a life for Izna but it could not have been possible.

Hunayn was happy with his little family and he thanked Almighty Allah for giving him all these happiness. He spent the rest of his life with Zahra but Izna was still His Second Wife...


It is not haram to fall in love, what you do with that love is what makes it halal or haram. Everyone falls in love but only the strong one can keep it halal.

Youngsters often makes mistake in their life and they tend to go astray. Sometimes parents lose control over them but somewhere there is an angel waiting to guide them. However parents should always keep an eye on every activity of their child whether they are of the age of five or fifteen. Children need to be kept under supervision if you don't want them to commit illegal actions and also if they don't want to regret it later.

A married life is not always easy, there are lots of up and down but the strongest couple are the ones that stand by their spouse side in good and bad times. It is also easy for a man to go astray but a wife should always guide his husband and brings him back to her. Her love should be enough strong to be able to bear all the problems together. But still, a man should learn to be loyal towards his wife. If you love someone truly you should not give them sorrows but you should gift them happiness.




A woman can forget a man who broke her heart but she can never forget the man who gathered the broken pieces, healed her soul and made her smile again. Be that man in a woman's life!

**********The End***********

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