Personal views

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Lately i've been receiving negative comments upon this story. Maybe the readers are unable to understand the concept behind this story. Well once and for all let me clarify this to everyone out there.

I am definitely not a person who is for second marriage. Though Islam allows a man to have four wives at the same time but i really do not support such thing. As a woman, i would not want to share my husband with anyone else, either he is mine or he is not. There is no in between. While being married to a woman, a man need not to have the desire for a second woman. If you love someone truly you should be able to maintain the love throughout your life. Don't think that i have written this story to encourage men to have more wives or whatsoever. NO, this is not the case. Instead, i tried to show what is the difference between pure love and lust. And most importantly nobody is perfect and everyone tends to make mistakes! They are tempted by shaitaan and that is why it is necessary to repent everyday.

Youngsters nowadays are so indulge in adultery(Zina). We are all aware that everyone has a boyfriend/girlfriend. But you must also know that talking to a boy is considered to be adultery. Now wherever you see young people they are in couples WITHOUT NIKAH. And i don't have to tell you what goes on when they meet alone.. Is it right in this way or should one get married?
I tried to portray this thing that if you want to be in a relationship then nothing is better than Nikah, the legal way.

Men like Hunayn are rare to find, he is someone who loves his wife a lot but at some point in life, he went astray and fell in love with Izna. Though it was wrong, definitely wrong. But it was not too late till he gets Hidaayat (guidance) and he repented sincerely. But then there are kind of love that are within the souls itself and not bodies. Hunayn and Izna love was like that. They loved each other a lot but could not express it as it was wrong. They did not want lives to be destroyed. However Hunayn narrated everything to Zahra. The latter was really hurt but she was also happy knowing that there is someone else who would love his husband no matter what. Hunayn tried his best to keep his wife happy. I agree that hiding things from your spouse is also part of cheating. But what i wanted to show is that human beings tend to make mistakes and what do we not see in today's world. Divorce, separation, fights among couples all these because of what? You think only the "second woman" is responsible. No! Actually your husband is the first one to be blamed for because remember if your husband had control over his desires then this situation would not have arised. Just as Hunayn, if he wanted he could have divorce Zahra and live with Izna. But his faith in Islam made him realise he was wrong. Therefore he distant himself from Izna. Before the death of Izna, Hunayn felt pity for her and took it as his responsibility to cure Izna because he once loved her truly... After her death Hunayn would visit her grave because she created a unique place in Hunayn's heart.

As far as Zahra is concerned, she is only a character and not to be found in real life. Maybe 1 out of a million. She is too comprehensive and women nowadays are too obsessed with their husband. She loved Hunayn a lot but she also respected his decision. She was a human, she was hurt to know his husband had another wife. But she manage to take out her husband from that hell and made him forget about Izna. In this story, destiny played a really big game when Izna came back in their lives. Still Zahra was ready to sacrifice her love her husband for the happiness of someone who had very few days to live.
But yes if one day you find yourself in Zahra's place, you should fight for your rights rather than letting your husband drift away from you. But then you cannot force someone to be with you otherwise it would be suffocating for them to live with you.
Women out there whose husband have left them, do not worry. Just think as if he was not worth it and move on. I know it is difficult but it is more difficult to be in a cage and live in suffocation. You deserve to be happy and live this beautiful life of yours. Love, it is just temporary in this world. We human beings have created the concept of love to be able to survive in this world. But true love will only be known once the end of time is finally here. So why hurt yourself in the name of love? If your husband does not want to live with you anymore, let him go. You live your life and seek the love of Almighty Allah which is the purest one.

Now coming to Izna, she is a youth full of live and has been living in ignorance for a long time. When she met Hunayn her life changed completely. She was a new Izna, full of love for her religion. She was different. If Hunayn brought some help to her life, what is wrong in that. Instead i believe Hunayn will be rewarded for this good action. If Izna wanted, she could have seduced Hunayn and slept with him. But there is something call 'pure love' which happens to be between souls and not bodies. It was quite easy for Izna to have acquire Hunayn but she knew her limits and did not want to hurt the feelings of anyone that is why she decided to get away from Hunayn and his family. The message behind this is nowadays many girls fall in love easily and with anyone, sometimes not knowing the man is married or not, has a family or not. Love has become an obsession. If they can acquire it good for them, if not then they will move mountains to make it happen. Admist all these, many women do not realise they are destroying lives of others. What is the fault of the wife whose husband you've loved? Why should she suffer? And the children.. would you want your children to grow up in such environment. You should not be proud if someone divorces his wife to be with you because imagine if they can do this thing to their wife, the mother of their children so what are you? It would be nothing to do the same to you. Izna was quite mature to not destroy the life of Hunayn and Zahra rather she loved him from her whole heart and never ever did she felt like she should get married to that person only. She was a silent lover. Her love did not hurt anyone nor caused trouble to anyone... At first she was not serious about the relationship with Hunayn, but the personality of the latter won her heart and she just continue to love him...


~FACT that i found on the internet and thought of sharing it with you readers~

Experts say a man who marries a second wife will live a longer and happier life. However, it is very rare for a wife to agree to her husband marrying a second time. Women believe that their husbands should not be shared with other women.

Men generally get bored with their wives after a while because of the monotony of married life. Women, on the other hand, do not care about that. The most important thing for any woman is stability and being in a marriage in which her husband is able to provide for her and give her what she needs. Some men do not like these situations; they feel desperate and indulge in extramarital relationships.

Many women can live with their husbands cheating on them but are unable to live with a second wife. This would be out of the question for most women. I do not understand how these women prefer that their husbands commit sins rather than marrying second wives since they know that an extramarital relationship is sinful while marriage to a second wife is legal as per Shariah law.

I have asked many women about this and most of them agree that they could live with adultery. On the other hand, many men prefer to get married legally rather than commit a sin. They, therefore, get married secretly and try their best to keep their marriages hidden when they should not be doing so. They do this because of their first wives’ selfishness and ignorance of Shariah.

I advise women to always remember that love does not come easily and no one can buy love or feelings. A woman who does not take care of her husband and does not satisfy his needs should not be upset if he decides to get married again. He will search for love and care somewhere else.

What I do not understand is that many wives accuse their husbands of cheating on them if the husbands get married again when in fact the husbands have done something legal that is according to Shariah.


Falling in love isn't haraam
You may fall in love with someone but always remember your limits as well.
Do not let your nafs satisfy your temporary desire just for that someone.
If you really want that someone in your life then make du'aa for her/him.
Ask Allaah to have her/him in your life. Keep it halaal.
You don't need to be her/his illegal lover or whatever forbidden relationship you wanted to have with that someone.
All you need is to control yourself from it through seeking Allah's guidance.
Distance yourself from her/him before hand.
Avoid fitnaa cause it will just lead you to zinaa.
Remember that the one you wanted to impress is in the hands of the one you disobey.
Falling in love isn't haraam only strong people can keep it halaal.


This is it, i hope now it will be more clear to those few people who are spreading hate.


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