1- Welcome To Hogwarts

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"Happy birthday, Hailey!" My parents yelled in unison and smiled at me as I blew out the candles on my homemade 14th birthday cake.

Alaina and Bo Blanc are my adoptive parents. They raised me well, teaching me all about magic, as they are both capable of it. I grew up in the wizarding world of France and every day I love it more. I smiled back at them. They were lovely and kind-hearted people, but poor.

My father worked for the ministry, fixing and correcting magical problems the highly respected in the ministry may have. The thing about magical problems are that they can mostly be fixed by almost any witch or wizard, but there are some that need very intelligent and specialized people, like my father, to fix or if those with the problem don't have the time to fix it themselves. It didn't happen often, and when it did, he wasn't paid much, but it was his passion and made him very happy.

My mother was a beautiful woman. She also worked for the ministry, specializing in education. Her main priority was the Beauxbatons Academy Of Magic. She visited the school about once a month, to make sure everything remained in order. Because of that, I was allowed to attend, free of charge. My first year was lovely, I left with my mother, on a pegasus-pulled carriage that had been sent from Beauxbatons and when I arrived at the school, everything I would need was in my room. I had a dorm I shared with my best friend Celeste Dumont. She was a confident, bright witch. I missed her very much during the summers as she was always on vacation.

"We got you something, dear." My mother gave me a look of happiness, but I could see the bags under her eyes. She had most likely been covering some co-workers positions to help get money.

"No, mom, dad, you can't-" I started but my father interrupted me.

"Don't be silly, Hailey." They shoved a small box in front of me and I gave them one more look before they insisted I opened it. I obeyed and found a beautiful locket inside. I stared at it. I rarely ever got gifts but when I did, my parents always made them special.

"It's a good luck charm, for this year." My mother smiled and tears welled up in her eyes.

"Oh, she'll be fine, Alaina!" My father chuckled and wiped away a tear falling down her cheek. My mother was a little sad I would be spending the year at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. She normally got to visit me once a month at Beauxbatons and this year, she would have to wait the entire school year. I pushed my chair back and ran to hug my parents, tears forming in my own eyes.

"Thank you," I whispered, squeezing them tight.


The month flew by and before I knew it, I had my trunks in the carriage and my owl in his cage on my lap. Milou flapped his wings and I smiled. I was allowed to chose my animal, and I chose Milou. My mother thought I should get a cat, but I felt a special connection to the snowy owl I had picked, like he was family.

I knew my biological parents had died a tragic death. I only heard stories as all articles about it had been destroyed mysteriously. My parents told me we were all in a muggle car, driving on muggle roads, in a muggle city. My dad had been tired and wasn't exactly paying attention. One muggle driver was drunk, and took a left turn at a right, crashing his car right into ours. Apparently, I was the only survivor, the lucky one. I had a scar from the accident on my collarbone. It was in the shape of a lightning bolt and sometimes, it still hurt.

The flight to Beauxbatons didn't take long and my mother cried as my father waved goodbye. I was ushered inside with the rest of the girls and had a big welcome meal in the Grand Hall. I sat next to Celeste, after finding her in the crowd and talking non-stop about our summers. Celeste had fallen asleep on the table while my eyes were glued to our headmistress, telling us in French about what a great year we would have at Hogwarts. I couldn't wait to get to Hogwarts! Beauxbatons was an all-girls school, so we didn't have many opportunities to meet boys. My father tells me that isn't a priority, but for a 14-year-old girl, it was upsetting. I also couldn't wait to meet new people. I knew just about everyone at Beauxbatons, and it was time to meet new faces!

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