16- How Am I Ever Supposed To Talk To Her When She's Always With Him?

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I received last place. I was least likely to win this competition. I could see Igor laughing at me when he heard the rankings. My sister got first place, and she deserved it. Her plan was incredible. I had no idea she knew how to do that. I had no idea how to do that. Maybe French was useful after all. I reconsidered asking Hermione to teach me again, or Hailey.

I clutched my egg tightly as I walked back to the Gryffindor tower. There was a huge party in the common room and everyone cheered when I arrived with the egg. I held it up and the screams got louder. I remembered what Dumbledore had mentioned about the egg: It contained a clue about the next task. The only thing I knew about the second task was it took place at the Black Lake. Hopefully, the egg could tell me more.

"Who wants me to open it?" I tried to yell over the noise and somehow, the Gryffindor's yelled louder. "You want me to open it?" They all yelled even louder and I took that as a yes and unscrewed the top. The noise that came out of the egg caused me to drop it. It was indescribable! The noise was ear shattering. When the egg hit the ground, it closed again and everyone was silent.

"What the bloody hell was that?" Ron yelled, his hands still covering his ears. Was he talking to me finally?

"Um alright everyone, go back to your knitting, this is going to be awkward enough without you all listening in," George yelled and the people did as told. Ron made his way over, rubbing the back of his neck and looking regretful.

"After watching the first task, I reckon you've got to be barking mad to put your name in the Goblet of Fire..." He gave me a look that told me he was sorry and I didn't say anything, I only smiled. I had my best friend back.

After partying a little more, I went to bed. Battling a dragon really tires you out. I found Ron and Hermione in a corner and told them I was going to bed. They only nodded. Normally, Ron comes with me because he's bored but I guess him and Hermione were discussing something important. I ignored it and pushed past the people in the crowd, turning back one more time and catching a glimpse of their hands together before Lavender Brown walked in front of me, blocking my view. By the time she had walked past, their hands were apart again. Maybe their hands hadn't been together at all, that'd be crazy, Ron and Hermione can't stand each other, right? You're just imagining things, Harry. I walked up the stairs and flung myself in my bed, falling asleep almost immediately.

The snow had begun sticking to the ground. I was running around with Hermione. Hermione was catching snowflakes in her mouth as I formed a snowball and threw it at her stomach. She shrieked and ran after me. I ran as fast as I could but she caught up to me, pushing me, causing me to fall to the ground.

"Sorry, Harry." She laughed and attempted to pull me up, but struggled. I laughed and pulled her into a hug.

"Don't worry about it." I kissed the top of her head. She looked up at me, a big toothy smile on her face. I leaned down, getting closer to her face.

"What are you doing, Harry?" Hermione asked, pulling away.

"Shh." I shushed her and closed my eyes, leaning in slowly.

When I opened my eyes I was no longer with Hermione, but Cho. We were in the owlery. She was doing something with her owl. I walked up behind her and hugged her from behind.

"How's my girlfriend today?" I asked. She blushed.

"I'm okay, Harry." She didn't give me a smile.

"What?" I asked her seriously.

"You know I still feel guilty. I want to be with you, Harry. More than anything I just can't help but feel bad about-"

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