35- Her Safety

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Hey guys! So I like to keep my writing pretty professional and therefore refrain from authors notes but I really just wanted to thank everyone who's read this and continues to read and vote:) Comments are always appreciated, let me know what you're thinking during the story or how you want/think it's gonna go! I'd love to hear from some of you! DM me or comment or whatever you want, I'm always here!

Again, thank you all so so much. This book has been in the works for about a year now and it's honestly my baby. I've spent so so much time and effort into polishing each and every chapter and making it the best it can be, so it means so much that people have taken the time to read it. I love you all:)



"Draco," Hailey mumbled, looking away. Celeste nodded and stood, walking towards the door of the infirmary. Silence filled the air until Hailey spoke up. "I'm awful, aren't I?

"Not even slightly. Why would you say that, Hails?" I wondered.

"I'm dating Cedric, but I want to see Draco." She explained.

"It's probably because you just had a dream about him, of course you want to see him." I shrugged, but she looked at me weirdly.

"How'd you?..." She began. I realized how creepy that sounded, and quickly explained.

"You mumbled his name a few times in your sleep." I shrugged again just as I heard the click of Celeste's shoes on the marble flooring of the infirmary, followed by another pair of footsteps. Malfoy.

"Hailey." He mumbled, his voice cracking. He immediately walked over to the left side of her, taking Celeste's seat and grabbing her hand.

"I told Draco he could have my seat. That okay with you, Hails?" Celeste gave her a small smile. "Alright, I'll be back in an hour?" She looked at Draco with raised eyebrows, and he nodded, not taking his eyes away from me.

"I think I should leave too..." I mumbled, not wanting to be here when Draco was all heartfelt and possibly made Hailey cry.

"Thanks, Potter," Draco said as I stood from my seat and let go of Hailey's hand. I went straight to Hagrid's. She almost died, before she knew who she was. We had to tell her.

"Hagrid?!" I yelled, knocking on the huge door.

"What is it, 'arry?" Hagrid boomed once he opened the door. I pushed past him to take a seat and was greeted by Dumbledore.

"Good, you're both here," I said.

"Is something wrong, Harry?" Dumbledore asked.

"It ain't 'ailey, is it?" Hagrid asked quickly, and I shook my head.

"Hailey's fine... for now. What if something like this happens in the third task? She can't die before she knows who she really is! We have to tell her. She trusts me, we're very close, she tells me everything. I don't know why we can't." I ranted to the both of them.

"Harry, Hailey's safety is our number one concern always. That's exactly why we can't tell her. That would almost certainly confirm her death in the third task. She would be too thrown off to compete, not to mention keep up with her classes." Dumbledore explained, Hagrid nodding with him.

"So we can tell her after the third task then?" I asked.

"As soon as someone touches that cup, we'll whisk 'er off an' tell her 'arry," Hagrid vowed. I agreed and stormed out of Hagrid's as polite as possible.

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