43- Ginny Weasley

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Hey there everyone who's still interested in this story. I AM SO SO SORRY!!!!! There is no excuse for why this chapter has taken such a long time to be uploaded. I've just been dealing with school and personal problems all the time and it's hard to have downtime. I hope you guys stick with me, we only have a few chapters left and I'm going to try my best to upload them all soon and put these long waits to an end. I love you all, thank you for being so supportive and enjoying the story I wrote so long ago but was so afraid to post. I know it doesn't seem like it, but it means everything to me. Okay, thank you all again. I truly love each and every one of my readers:)


"Do you believe me now?" I asked, smiling at my sister. I could finally call her that out loud, to people besides just Ron, Hermione, and Ginny. I pulled the photo album out of her hands, placed it on the bench next to me, and grabbed her hands, pulling her up with me as I stood.

"I... I do. You're my twin brother. I'm a Potter." She said. She looked like she was trying to smile back, but then a look of fear took over her face and her eyebrows furrowed. "Harry..." She mumbled, beginning to fall in my direction. I caught her and called for Dumbledore. When I looked back at her, her eyes were rolling into the back of her head.

"Hailey? Hailey, stay with me!" I cried as Moody burst back in.

"What happened to her, Potter?" Moody yelled, grabbing her in his arms and rushing out of the room. I followed, racking my brain of what could have gone wrong. I was so busy thinking about it I didn't even realize Dumbledore was missing.

"I- I don't know! I told her the truth, she believed me, then we stood up and she collapsed!" I responded frantically. It was a lot harder to keep up with a guy with only one good leg than I thought.

I was so lost in worry I didn't realize we had made a wrong turn. We were no longer heading towards the infirmary.

"Professor? This isn't the way to the infirmary." I stated, frantic and confused.

"That's because we're not going to the infirmary, Potter," Moody replied, moving fast to what I realized was the way to his office. He kept doing this weird thing with his shoulders as if he were shivering every so often until we finally reached his office.

He threw Hailey on his desk not exactly gently, then rushed over to a small chest full of bottles. I assumed they were potions to help Hailey.

"So remind me, Potter, you and Hailey met ate Dark Lord tonight? In the flesh?" He asked rather excited, still fiddling with the potions.

"Yes, professor..." How was this supposed to help Hailey? I grabbed her cold hand and brushed her hair off her face. He finally stopped going through all the bottles, coming back over and examining Hailey from the other side of his desk.

"And were there others?" He asked. I was about to respond with yes when he continued. "In the graveyard, were there others?"

I froze, my eyes going wide. I almost didn't even realize. Had I told him about the graveyard? I must have! How else would he know unless... unless...

"Stupefy!" I heard Snape shout. Dumbledore rushed past me with his wand ready, McGonagall grabbing my shoulders.

"Are you alright, Potter?" Dumbledore shouted from in front of me. I nodded before realizing he couldn't see me.

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