5- The Blonde Boy

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I spent all day with Harry. We talked about lots, our parents, my family and his. I felt awful for Harry. He certainly didn't deserve the family he got.

I was sad when Dumbledore entered and found us. He smiled and put a hand on my shoulder.

"And who is this, Harry?" He asked. Harry's face reddened. I laughed.

"This is Hailey, from Beauxbatons." He coughed.

"Ah. I see..." Dumbledore looked at me for a longer time than last.

"Sorry to interrupt but Madamee Maxime tells me all you girls should be getting ready for dinner." I sighed and stood as Dumbledore started walking away. "Oh, and Hailey," Dumbledore called.

"Sir?" I responded.

"I like your necklace." He smiled and continued to walk out of the Great Hall. I grabbed my necklace and smiled.

"I guess I have to go." I looked down as Harry slid over the table. He quickly wrapped his arms around me and I did the same after I registered what was happening. Hogwarts students were, uh, friendly...

"I had a great time today, it was nice meeting you." He said, letting go within seconds. I smiled and so did he.


Celeste was smiling when I came into the dorm, sitting alone on her bed.

"What's with you?" I smirked and she sighed.

"I met a boy..." Celeste trailed off and smiled again.

"Do tell?" I kept my smirk on as I changed into my dinner attire.

"His name is Dean. Dean Thomas."

"Is that the boy you ran towards in the courtyard?" I asked, sitting on the stool in front of the mirror.

"Yea. We talked the whole day. When Madame Maxime told all the girls we had to change, Dean gave me a hug and kissed my cheek." She sighed and smiled.

"I'm happy for you, Cel," I said with a bobby pin in my mouth, attempting to control my hair for dinner. My thick hair was always a nuisance.

"Thanks. What about you, meet anyone? Boys?" Celeste questioned and I chuckled.

"I met multiple people today, actually, and yes, I met a boy but I had already met him." She gave me a confused look.

"The boy from the owlery first day. I found out his name and talked to all his friends for awhile until they left, then it was just me and him until now." I shrugged and she opened her mouth.

"What's his name?" She gushed.

"Harry Potter." I put the last bobby pin in place and looked at the mirror one last time before accepting my appearance.

"Harry Potter... Where have I heard that before?" Celeste mumbled as we walked out of the dorm.

"Anything interesting happen?" She nudged me as we walked down the stairs together.

"He gave me a hug when I left. Hogwarts students are friendly..." We laughed. I purposely left out the blonde boy. My mind wandered to the memory of his form slung over the railing, staring out over the water.


Dinner was boring. Dumbledore said today was the last day we had to sit with our school, so tomorrow I'll probably join Harry and Ron and everyone else for breakfast. I should invite Celeste! Maybe Harry knows Dean.

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