37- Last Day

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It all passed too quickly, all of it.

Tomorrow night was the third and final task.

I sat at dinner with all my friends, only picking at what Hermione threw on my plate. She kept going on and on about how I need to eat or I'll lose for sure, but she doesn't understand. The other two tasks were traumatizing, and I knew it was only going to get harder.

I didn't get it. I was beyond terrified, and Hailey seemed fine. She was sitting with Cedric as usual, laughing and eating and smiling. She seemed happy and unphased. Was that the effect Cedric had on her? Was that what being in love was like? Was she in love with Cedric? How could she be when she was also sort of in love with Draco?

I decided now was not the time to worry about my twin's love life, and focused on finishing at least one apple.

"Come on, Harry, let's get you to bed," Hermione mumbled as she grabbed my arm and helped get me off the bench. We began walking back to Gryffindor Tower, Ron and Ginny following.

"Do you know anything about it?" Ron asked again, probably for Hermione.

"Just where it's being held, so I know just about as much as you do." I mumbled, wringing my wrists. The walk back to Gryffindor Tower was a blur, and the next thing I know, I'm in a dark room in my bed falling asleep.

It was dark and I was alone. The only thing I could hear was my own breathing until I heard a scream.

"Mom?" I called, but it wasn't her, it was Hailey. "Hailey!" I tried to move but I couldn't see a thing.

"The Dark Lord- Shall rise- Again" Someone mumbled, and all I felt was pain. I screamed along with Hailey.

I sat straight up with my eyes wide. It's always the same dream. Every single night. What was happening? I rubbed my eyes. I knew it had to be about Voldemort, no regular dream would occur every single night, but why? Then, in the pitch dark, I began to wonder if maybe the final task would have something to do with Voldemort, and the dreams were warnings. I would never be able to go back to sleep with that thought in mind.

I quietly pushed off the covers and slipped out of the dorm down to the common room. I hoped Sirius would be in the fire again, but I knew he probably had much more important things to do, wherever he was.

"Harry?" Someone said quietly, making me jump. I looked over at the brown eyes looking at my blue ones.

"Oh, hey, Ginny," I replied, taking a seat next to her on the couch. How had I not seen her sitting there?

"Why are you up? You should be getting as much rest as possible before-" Ginny started.

"Please don't say it." I groaned and put my head in my hands. "Can we not talk about the tournament?" I added.

"Sure. How're things with Hailey?" She substituted. I hoped talking with Ginny would help clear my head.

"Good. I mean, when we actually do talk." I responded.

"Because she's always with Draco? or Cedric? Which one is she dating again?" Ginny asked and I laughed a little.

"Sometimes I'm not even quite sure, I think she's dating Cedric but likes Draco," I answered, as lost about Hailey's relationship status as Ginny.

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