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Let me start by saying I AM SO SORRY!!!

I know you've all been waiting longer than a month for this last chapter, i've just been working hard with exams and editing to try and make it perfect for you guys:) It's coming soon I promise.

Over this past month and a bit ish this story has gained so many reads and favourites and comments and I couldn't be more grateful, thank you. I don't want it to come to an end, which leads me to my next question...


When I first wrote this story, I had a vision of writing at least 4 more books to cover all their years at Hogwarts and everything, but we all know how that goes and tbh i'm not really interested in writing that anymore. Instead, I don't want this story to end here and I have already started writing a sequel 4 years in the future, starting the summer AFTER the war. I'll include many flashbacks of course so you guys will be able to keep up with what's happened over the years but like idk would you guys want something like that? Or are you done with me and my crappy updating lol?

Let me know in the comments, any ideas or thoughts or anything honestly, I love hearing from you guys❤️

Stay happy my darlings, I love you all.

Thank you for everything.

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