4- Her

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I woke up that morning with a smile on my face. I didn't have a nightmare and today was the day. I was going to find her. Ron was out of his bed when I got up. That was weird, he normally slept in the longest.

"Do you know where Ron is?" I asked when I saw Hermione in the common room.

"No idea." She mumbled. She sounded upset.

"Is everything okay?" I leaned down a bit to look into her eyes that were focused on the floor but I couldn't read them.

"I'm fine?" It sounded like more of a question than a statement. I decided to let it go.

"Let's go to breakfast, the sooner the better." I sighed and she grabbed my shoulder.

"I really hope you find her, Harry."


Breakfast was quiet without Ron. Everyone was a little worried now. Hermione came clean and told me they had got in a fight this morning, and he ran off. She blamed herself and was on the verge of tears. I tried to comfort her but it wasn't working too well.

"He never misses meals, Harry, you know that boy loves to eat! He never stops eating, actually...Ron? Ron!" Hermione jumped up from her seat and ran to hug Ron, who had appeared out of nowhere. He almost fell over, but caught his balance and grabbed Hermione, his eyes closing as a smile spread across his face. That was a first. The hug didn't last long, as Hermione freaked. "Where the bloody hell were you?!" She yelled at him after pulling back. Ignoring her, he took a seat next to me and looked at me with a pale face.

"I think I may have found her, Harry..." I dropped my cinnamon bun. My plate clattered.

"What?" I asked quietly. Hermione came back and sat on the other side of me.

"While I was out, I ran into this girl, literally ran into her. She was flung back and her wrist snapped. She was from Beauxbatons and had no idea where the infirmary was. I took her there and stayed with her the whole time," Hermione looked furious at this point, but Ron kept going. "So she wouldn't get lost on her way back. She told me her name was Hailey, Hailey Blanc. I immediately looked at her forehead, but she didn't have a scar." I sighed and looked away, it couldn't have been her then.

"You had me excited, Ron." I frowned. I had never considered the possibility that there may be more Hailey's than I thought at Beauxbatons, Hailey wasn't exactly a French name. The rest of breakfast, I talked with Ginny. I had always liked Ginny as a person. She had such a wonderful personality.

She began to tell me about how Fred and George were going to try to get their names in the cup. We were so busy laughing, I didn't even notice Ron and Hermione talking to each other for the rest of breakfast, something that never happened.


"Look at all of them here." I sighed, looking at all the girls. I was leaning on a column in the courtyard trying to find Hailey with the help of Ginny. Ron and Hermione had run off after breakfast.

"How, where do I even start?" I put a hand to my forehead as Ginny took ahold of my other one.

"It'll be alright, Harry. Don't worry..." Her eyes met mine and I stared. She was still holding my hand, and I didn't move.

"Harry! There you are!" Ron came running up to us and Ginny immediately let go, her face matching her hair. Ron grabbed ahold of my wrist and Ginny followed. Ron found Hermione in the crowd and grabbed her too.

"Hailey!" Ron yelled at some girl sitting on a tree with black hair. I turned around and looked back into the crowd. I already told Ron that this wasn't her. Ron introduced everyone and she apparently already knew them. She didn't know me though. Actually, everyone knows me. The Boy Who Lived...

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