26- The Yule Ball Part 5

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We reached the small brick house and Harry pushed on the door. I looked behind us to make sure no one was coming until I heard the creak of the door opening and I was pulled inside.

The first thing I did was take a seat in one of Hagrid's large chairs and kick off my high heels. They were annoying.

"Won't we get in trouble?" I asked, peeking out of one of Hagrid's windows. All I could see was the Great Hall in multiple different colours and shades, loud music blasting it's way out here in the meadow.

"No, they're all too busy at the ball to notice two fourth years are missing." He answered without making eye contact as he was busy lighting a fire.

"We're not just any fourth years though, Potter. We're 'Tri-wizard champions!'" I said and tried to lighten the mood by attempting my best impression of Dumbledore while saying 'Triwizard champions'. I earned a little chuckle from Harry and I decided to join him by the fire. He sat next to me after he finished with it. The second I felt the heat, the rest of my body grew cold and goosebumps grew on my arms.

"Are you cold?" He asked looking at the goosebumps. He began to take off his jacket from his dress robes, but I stopped him by putting my hand on his shoulder. I wouldn't want him to get cold, though I really wanted a jacket.

"No, it's okay, Harry. You'll be cold then." He ignored me and took off the jacket, wrapping the black fabric around my shoulders.

"Don't worry about me." He shook his head with a half smile on as he looked down. I returned the smile and pulled the jacket around me. It was really warm and I was grateful for Harry.

"So..." He said in an awkward tone and my mind raced with questions. After pausing for a while, curiosity got the best of me.

"What's on your mind, Harry?" I asked, staring at his eyes that wouldn't look into mine. I heard him gulp. Uh oh.

"Do you trust me?" He asked, loudly. That took me aback. I was shocked. That came out of nowhere.

"What?" I asked, wondering if I had heard him clearly. Where was this coming from?

"Do you trust me?" He asked again, quieter this time. I really took this into consideration. Did I trust Harry? I have known Harry since September, and it is now December. Do I trust a boy I've only known for 4 months? Do I know him? Really know him? Of course I do. He's my friend. My really good friend and I know him, and he knows me. He helped me with Draco that one time, and hasn't told anyone I don't think, except for maybe Ron and Hermione, but they seem to be good at keeping secrets. I had already told him I trusted him once. I made my decision. He was like a brother.

"Yes. Yes, Harry, I trust you." I said and he released a breath of relief. He smiled and closed his eyes. He was happy I trusted him, and so was I. Though I didn't think the feeling was mutual, now that I thought about it. I flashed back to asking Harry about Cho all those times, and he always had the same answer, but it was pretty obvious. Harry was mad for Cho, and he obviously didn't trust me enough to tell me.

"I'm so glad," He said, taking my hands in his. This was something Harry didn't do often. I assumed it was because Harry had to tell me something, and I was growing more curious by the minute. "So can you tell me what's been going on lately? With Draco and Cedric?" He asked, answer my suspicions. No, I couldn't, could I? No, he wouldn't understand. I value our friendship too much, what if this changes things? What if he doesn't understand? I can't tell him about Cedric, that's for sure. I'm almost positive he'd freak. Besides, he hasn't told me about Cho. After all that, I came to one final conclusion: No.

"Harry, I don't think that's a good idea..." I said slowly.

"Why not, Hailey? You know I won't judge you for anything that you've done, I promise." I wanted to tell him not to make promises he couldn't keep, but that would only cause him to ask more questions. Why can't he just accept the fact that I'm not ready to tell him? Would I ever be?

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