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I chucked my pillow in Seth's face, a little hard, and knocked him on his ass. I just burst out laughing as he groaned in pain. He tries to whip the pillow back at me, but I catch it and the disappointment on his face makes me laugh even more, "Well maybe you shouldn't wake me up by insulting me, Seth."

"Maybe you should just get up when your alarm goes off."

I chuckle, "Oh, Seth, when will you learn? I can't get up when my alarm goes off if there was no alarm set."

"Are you freak-"

I put up my hand for him to shut up, then a half second later my phone goes off and I answer it, "Hello?"

"Hello, is this Y/N Y/L/N?"

"Yes, ma'am. Is something wrong?"

"No. Quite the contrary actually. I'm calling on behalf of Mr. Simon Cowell. If I am not mistaken, you are the lead singer and second bass of 'Unlucky 7', Yes?"

I start to freak out internally, "Yes, ma'am."

"Fantastic. Well, Mr. Cowell was wondering if there was anyway we could get you all out here to LA and if so, when is the soonest we could arrange a meeting?"

"Actually how's about in like an hour?"

"Oh wow, one moment, let me check the schedule. Looks like he is free. Should I let him know you are all coming."

"That would be splendid, Ma'am."

"Well, we will see you then."

"That you will. Goodbye."

I heard a click than I shoved the phone in my pocket and looked to Seth, "Assemble the troop. NOW!"

I started running down the stairs, "Troop assemble! Fucking assemble NOW!! In the living room!"

I ran down the stairs skipping the last 8, then proceeded to the living room and dove onto the couch. Within seconds there where 5 bodies on me. I shove them off with ease, "Alright, fuckers, the time has come. A good label has finally reached out to us. We have to get performance ready. That means everyone get dressed. Seth, grab your guitar. Rita, get your sticks. Chica get your board. Thomas, get your bass. And Talia, get your guitar. I'll grab my baby and we'll head out. ASAP. We gotta be there within the hour."

Chica looked up at me,"Ok, but who we meeting with?"

I smiled at them all, "Simon Cowell."

Rita shot up, "FUCK YEAH!"

I looked at them all, "Things are getting serious guys. The spotlight on us is only gonna get bigger from here on out. NO wolfing out in the eyes of others. We can't risk that. Now... let's go chase our dreams"

We all rush to get ready, once the van is packed and we get in, we take off. The future starts now.

~author's note~

Let me know what y'all think. I know it's a short chapter, but it'll get better. Get ready for the next chapter. The girls get to come in.

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