christmas morning part two

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// dallon weekes' christmas songs are the only tolerable ones, unless you count "yule shoot your eye out" by fall out boy

also the christmas loving (idk if it's a matter of loving the holiday or just being in the holiday spirit idk) fuck is someone that actually reads these so it's definitely not my buddy paula lmao she hates christmas and I'd probably die if she read my shit on this account


Logan's good with kids. I have to give him that. Normally, it takes me upwards of twenty minutes to calm Jon down after being startled, but with Lo, he calms down within five.

By the time Logan gets him calmed down, I've calmly told Ash that Joshua has to come back to get his husband.

She seems to understand and stops throwing a fit, instead walking up to the man and tugging on his shirt sleeve. He looks down at her, and she holds up the little package.

He just smiles and sits down, Jon asleep in one arm. Ash climbs into his lap with the present, and he begins to open it with her help.

"I just want to remind you," I begin, grinning at Logan. "Ash picked out your present herself, she said it was something that she thought you needed."

"It can't be that bad," he laughs, setting down the half opened gift to ruffle up her blonde hair. "She's a good kid."

I have to keep myself from laughing as he opens the gift, a pack of pacifiers. "Why--"

"I heard Dad call you a baby and Jon's a baby and he used to use these all the time!" Ash giggles, grinning up at Logan.

He sighs and forces himself to laugh, glaring in my direction before smiling at my daughter. "Well, thank you, Ash. I really like them."

"Ash, sweetie, why don't you get your coloring books and color him a picture?" I suggest, going over to the tree and pulling out another few gifts I had hidden.

Ash nods and goes back to her room by herself. I offer to take Jon back, but Logan declines and keeps him held close.

"That wasn't your real gift, I hope you knew that," I tell him, almost sheepishly offering him the package in my hand.

He takes it and carefully rips the paper off. He then opens it, gasping to himself. "Is this--?"

"It's that shirt I kept stealing from you back when we were on tour, and the guitar strap I took when I left. I- I thought you might want them--"

As I'm still trying to stammer out my explanation, Logan shoots to his feet and hugs me as best as he can with the child still in his arm. "Thank you so much."

I return the hug, then set the other gift down beside Ash's present for Joshua. I'm smiling, and I can feel the heat in my face. It's probably bright red by now, hell, at this point I could probably be the next replacement for Rudolph the red nosed reindeer.

Just then, I hear a car pull into the driveway. It's either Joshua or the pizza delivery person. And then another car pulls in, so it's both of them. Great, two distractions from my embarrassment.

The pizza delivery dude makes it to the door first and I quickly pay him. I bring the four pizza boxes into the house and set them on the table.

Then Joshua is back with a decent sized box, that he sets down in the middle of the living room.

"You were careful, right?" I ask quietly from the doorway. "How bad are the roads?"

"Let's just say they're bad enough that we're staying here tonight," Joshua replies, tugging off his coat. He goes over and turns up the heat.

Ash comes back a few moments later with a piece of paper, which she hands to Logan before grabbing her gift for Joshua. "I picked this just for you!" She tells him excitedly. "I go with Dad into this store and sometimes he just stands there and looks at the shirts with Uncle Logan on the--"

I quickly pick her up and carefully cover her mouth with an awkward laugh. "She's joking, I swear."

Joshua smiles and opens the gift, which was a gift card to Hot Topic. "Thank you, Ash."

I put the kid down and hand Josh his actual present. "This is what I meant to give you, Ash wanted to be funny," I tell him.

The box contains old pictures, of me, Logan, and Josh. I spent hours tracking all of them down, but it was worth it.

Joshua only looks at the first few before wrapping me up into a tight hug. "Thank you so much," he murmurs quietly.

I return the hug, then pull back and grin. "Are you guys ready to eat?"

"No, you and Ash and Jon have to open your present first!" Logan exclaims, rocketing to his feet again.

"Give me Jon," I laugh, reaching out towards Logan. He gives me the baby, and Ash and I sit on the floor beside the box. "Go ahead, Ash-y. Open it up."

She wastes no time in tearing the lid off the box, revealing a mostly black kitten with yellow-green eyes. She gasps loudly, "I get a kitty?"

Joshua and Logan both grin, and Ash jumps up to hug each of them in turn.

I scoop the kitten up with my free hand to bring it closer to Jon. He squeals happily and reaches out to touch the fluffy animal, but it hisses at him.

"His name is gonna be Boy," Ash tells the other adults seriously before lifting him away from me. "He's a pretty boy, prettier than you, Uncle Logan!"

"What the fuck, the cat isn't prettier than me!"


// my brother thinks this is the best thing I've written help

Also I've edited some pictures of Dallon + Brendon to add Ryan in with them so

(These are literal shit because they're meant to look bad.)


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ALSO if I get bothered enough about a certain AU I'll write another thing for it

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ALSO if I get bothered enough about a certain AU I'll write another thing for it

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