lewis is a cheeky little shit (polyamory)

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//please shoot me in the foot or something because then I could distract myself from this stuff

I got this idea while in the car with my mom I'm glad she stopped trying to look at my screen while I type

Lewis's faceclaim has been temporarily changed to Ryan Ross lmao

It was their anniversary. No one could actually remember the day they had started dating, so they just guessed on the day.

Lewis and Logan cooked dinner, as Joshua had to work a bit later than normal. So by the time the tallest one got home, the other two had  dinner on the table, candles lit, everything looking kinda fancy.

Logan and Lewis met Joshua at the door, Lewis taking his keys and Logan pulling off his jacket.

Joshua just gave them both a bewildered look. "Why are y--"

"Sh, we wanted to do something for our anniversary!" Logan grinned, giving the taller boy a quick kiss.

Lewis had slipped off after he took Joshua's keys, but he soon returned with a box wrapped up with a bow on top. "I got you guys something," he smiled, holding out the box.

"You didn't have to!" Logan looked a tad bit guilty, because he didn't get anything for either of them.

Lewis shook his head, his face turning a bit red as he forcibly put the box in Logan's hands. "I insist, dear." He looked up at Joshua, a hopeful smile on his face. "Do you wanna open it instead?"

Joshua shook his head, gently biting down on his lip. "You didn't have to spend your money on us, you shouldn't have, actually."

"But you're worth it!" Lewis blurted out, quickly giving the taller boy a hug, one where he was clinging on tightly. "I got you guys something because I love both of you and you guys deserve all the presents."

Logan joined in on the hug, winking suggestively at Joshua. "I've got a great present for later, babe."

Lewis groaned quietly, pressing his face into Joshua's chest. "Please wait until way later, I want to spend some time with you both before you start fucking. And open the damn present!"

Logan rolled his eyes and pulled off the bow, reaching up to affix it to Joshua's shoulder with a smile. Then he peeled the wrapping paper off and tilted the box towards Joshua as he opened it. "Lewis, you little shit."

"I hope you know how much time it took me to talk myself into buying that stuff for you two, I'm never going to step foot in the restricted section of Spencer's ever again."

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