sick (au)

37 2 2

// [based vaguely on my day today + some thoughts



He swore that he was never going to watch his cousin again.

Lewis had gotten sick, catching something from the germ riddled creature he called his younger cousin. As soon as he woke up, he felt awful, nausea accompanying the pounding in his skull.

He texted Joshua and Logan, asking both of them to come over. Not mentioning anything about being sick, of course.

They both replied with similar messages of assent, and got there not too long afterwards.

Lewis met them at the door, wrapped up in his favorite quilt. "I'm sick, can you make sure I actually take care of myself?"

"You're an adult, you can take care of yourself without supervision," Joshua sighed.

Lewis started whining, when was pretty fucking annoying. "But-- what if I forget to eat and I starve to death? Then that's gonna be your fault because you didn't--"

Joshua opened his mouth to respond, but Logan had cut both of them off. "Lewis, go take a shower or something, we'll stick around to watch you."


"You're doing that wrong," Lewis mumbled, standing in the doorway to the kitchen.

Joshua looked over his shoulder. "No, I'm not. All I did was open a can of soup and now I'm heating it up for you."

"Yeah, you are. That's not how my grandma makes soup when I'm sick."

"Do I look like your goddamn grandma? Go watch TV with Logan or something, let me cook in peace."


"Hey, will you hand me the tissues?"

A few seconds later, a box of tissues went flying towards his face, courtesy of Logan.


"Josh, I want pizza," Lewis sighed, nudging the eldest of the group with his foot.

"Dude, if you try to eat that right now, you're gonna throw up. Try some crackers, we'll see about your pizza later."

"Ugh, you're worse than my fuckin' mom."


"Logan, can you run some bath water for me?"

"Lewis, I swear to the gods, if you don't stop asking me to do things you can obviously do yourself, I will end you."

"Gosh, I'll do it myself then, wow."


"Josh, is it okay if I give Logan a hug?"

"Why are you asking me...?"

"'Cause you get jealous, an' he's warm, an' I'm cold."



"Lewis, go to bed. You've been yawning for two hours."

"I'm older than you, you can't tell me to go to bed."

"You know, I still have that weed killer at my place..."

"Leave my goddamn flowers alone, you asshole. I'm going."


//[idk but like, have a nice day]

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