alternate end for "hunger games au"

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// [ the events in this pick up right before Ronnie's death in the original oKAY??

I just really want a happy ending for this for some reason lmao

So to reiterate: read part eight of this au then come to this part!! New content starts after "****"

also none of this is realistic with the actual hunger games universe but idfc

When the pair manage to get back to their allies, it's much to Lewis' surprise that Ezra is the one to grab him by the arm to patch him up.

And the younger boy is surprisingly gentle about sterilizing the cut. He even apologizes when Lewis hisses quietly out of pain.

It doesn't take too long before the cut is cleaned and wrapped up in bandages from one of the backpacks. Lewis, who's in much better spirits, grins. "D'you want me to show you some plants that are safe to eat? Y'know, in case the next time I go for a walk doesn't end well."

The four Careers exchange questioning glances before Joshua and Ezra nod. "Lead the way, plant boy," Logan declares, shouldering a backpack of supplies.

Lewis does lead the way, heading for a place past the caves where he had his near death experience. There's a rocky hillside, and at the top seems to be a bunch of plants, much like everywhere else in the forest.

"There's a bunch of dandelions up there. They're edible, but if you've got any kind of allergies I'd avoid them," Lewis starts, turning to face the group. "An' there might be honeysuckle or blackberries up there too. Maybe even apples!"

Lewis' cheerful attitude is almost contagious, and eventually even Ezra is smiling. Lewis tries to climb the hillside, but it's too steep to manage with his injured arm.

Ronnie offers to go, but the lack of clear visibility as to what might be in store for the kid is worrying Ezra to death. Ezra pulls the boy from One into a hug, and the others follow suit, other than Lewis. But Ronnie goes over for a hug anyway.

He makes his ascent quickly, and begins picking items that Lewis deems edible.


Ronnie hears a rustling noise in the high grass behind him. Immediately, the fourteen year old is on high alert, his hand quickly pulling the dart gun from his pocket.

He creeps closer, and there's one of the female tributes, her finger held over her lips. "I just wanna talk for a minute. I don't got any weapons or anything," she whispers.

Ronnie finds himself nodding, holding up a finger to tell her to wait a minute. He goes back to the edge and stares out, meeting Ezra's questioning gaze. "I'm gonna go back a bit further, there's some more fruit trees back this way," he lies smoothly, earning a thumbs up from everyone.

He goes back to the girl, who's sitting crisscross at the edge of the tall grass. He joins her, and she introduces herself as Chase from Three.

Wordlessly, she slides him a thin slip of paper, which he reads quickly. He nods after he's done, which makes her smile radiantly.

"Take this with you, show your allies. If they ask, tell them it's a message from a special friend," she pats his shoulder lightly, then hands him the tiny bottle of iodine. "Use this on your pal's arm. It'll help. My grandpa used to swear by it."

"Thank you," he tells her quietly. He digs around in the supply bag before coming up with a small first aid kit. "Take this, it's probably as much as I can give you without raising suspicions."

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