Chapter 2

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Gerard's POV

I looked up from my notepad, that boy, the new, handsome boy was looking around for a place to sit. I was sitting alone as perusal. I remembered the first time someone tried to sit next to me, it was actually two people, Austin and Patrick I think their names were. It was the fourth month I'd been here and I guess Patrick had finally convinced Austin to go with him to see me. I had been sitting there, eating the pizza, it really wasn't very good but the chicken was always dry. They walked over, or rather, Austin walked and Patrick struggled to catch up to his tall friend. "Hey, I'm Patrick and this is Austin. He's tall am I right?? Like I know I'm short I'm 5'4 but he's like 6'6!!" Austin had blushed slightly, "Chill Patrick, I'm only 6'4 and besides he doesn't need to know that he doesn't know us." Patrick sighed and nodded his head in agreement, "Sorry, I just got carried away, anyhow can we sit with you? You always sit alone and that makes me feel sad, you never try and sit with anyone so maybe we could sit with you?!"

I remembered how I had glared at them until Austin nudged Patrick and whispered something in his ear. Patrick had shook his head and sat across from me, I would've screamed at him and told him to fuck off but I refused to talk. 'I'll never speak again.. not..n-not after what I did.' I snapped back to reality and shivered. 'No, Gerard, don't you ever think about that.' I dismissed the memory and again glanced at Frank as he looked about for a spot for breakfast. He caught my eye and I half smiled. He looked frightened but moved to my table. "Hey, er.. my name is Frank and I sorta like saw you and I thought maybe I could um sit?" I nodded once. Frank sat down with his cereal. "So... what's your name? I'm new, I just got here yesterday." I grabbed my notepad and wrote down my name. "Gerard? I like that name." He smiled and I smiled back at him and continued to eat my waffles and he ate his cereal. Half way through Frank stopped and was looking at his food with what could only be guilt. He was clutching his stomach and looking a bit sick. 'Are you okay? Do you feel sick? Do you know where the bathroom is I can show you.' I wrote that down quickly and have it to him, he smiled weakly "I-I shouldn't go to the bathroom, I have an eating disorder so eating is kinda hard for me." I nodded and wrote down, 'I think you're beautiful. A little to skinny.. eating is good.' I thought it was lame but gave it to him anyway. He smiled, it brightened up the entire room I swear. "Thank you, Gerard, that means a lot, I don't even know you. I guess that means more, cause friends kind of have to compliment you. You are a stranger."

I smiled and looked down at my notepad. "You're super nice Gerard."
'You can call me Gee if you want.' I hoped he'd call me that. It was like a cute nickname only he could say. Frank gave the cutest smile ever and said quietly, "You can call me Frankie..." I wanted to say his name out loud, roll it on my tongue, yell it out loud for everyone to hear! 'No, you do not want to. You will not ever speak again. You are a terrible person and you aren't ever gonna say his name.'  But maybe... just one day.. I would say his name.. and his name would be the first word off my tongue in over three years.

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