Chapter 8

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Frank's POV

I slipped through the door and scoured the halls for evidence where the staff and gone. I turned a corner and stood there for a few minutes.

I decided to go to the lounge first. Suddenly something ran right into me with force that knocked me to the ground along with the boy who had ran into me.

"Hey! Wat- Oh, Gee, it's you." He looked at me and half smiled before looking around the halls as if he were afraid something was going to pop around the corner.

"What are you doing? The nurses are probably looking for you. What happened?" I knew he couldn't or wouldn't answer. He grabbed his notebook and pencil from his jacket, 'how did that fit in there?'

'I need to find the nurses before They get me, can you help my find Oli and the others?' I nodded and slipped the piece of paper into my pocket.

After a long time, we finally ran into Oli, "Fuck, where were you, Gerard? And why are you out here Frank? You're supposed to be in your room."

"I was looking for my roommate." I said simply, that was true.

"Did we not say that you should go to your room? You disobeyed a direct order from me, since you're new here I won't punish you." Lindsey turned her gaze from me to Gerard.

"Let me see your cuts, hurry up I haven't got all day, I run a psych ward." I watched in shock as Gerard pulled up his sleeves and some of his cuts peaked out of the hastily placed bandaids.

"Hm, we stitch these wounds," she pointed to three deep ones, "But the rest are fine, just clean them."

After that I was escorted to my room by Brendon, he smiled and showed me to my room, "Will Gerard come here soon?" It was 9:00 and I was getting slightly tired. "Hmm, I dunno. They wouldn't tell me I'm just a therapist, but I honestly doubt it, but who knows? Lindsey is funny like that, full of surprises." He opens my door and left.

I sighed and decided to shower. I though about singing since I always do it. I loved singing but I hated my voice and I bet everyone would here it if I sang so I don't speak at all.

Gerard's POV

After Brendon left to take Frank to our room Lindsey started to lecture me. It was almost the same lecture Oli had given me about being transferred, "You don't want to be transferred, you won't have some of your coping skills suck as music."

I shifted my gaze to Oli and silently tried to tell him that I already knew what she was saying, he understood thank god.

"Lindsey, I already told him all of this, I think what he t ally wants to hear us if he is going to the special room or his own."

"Of course he's going to the special room, he's unsafe!" I felt all the blood drain from my face.

-We tried to tell you, but you didn't listen Gerard. This will be your last night here, along with your precious Frank.

I panicked, I couldn't scream, I couldn't talk, but They already knew so I might as well.

-Oh are you going to talk? Finally, They are going to find you faster. Enjoy your last night on this earth.

I plunged my hand into my pocket pulling out the notepad and pencil and quickly wrote down what they needed to know.

"So, They are going to get you and Frank if you're left alone? You do know none of these things are real?" I shook my head, Lindsey didn't understand, they were real and they were going to kill two people tonight.

"That's why we are going to put you in the special room, no one can get in." I shook my head, desperate that they understood what was happening. 'I need to be with Frank to protect him.' Oli was obviously shocked. I never got attached to anyone here, but here I was caring for this dude I just met and trying to save his fuckin life.

"Lindsey, maybe we should consider this, I know it seems stupid, but Gerard won't do anything to Frank and this is the first time he's had a connection with someone. Lindsey plundered it, arms crossed, sucking on her lip, "I'm only doing this because you've been a generally good patient for what you've been going through. Next time I won't be as generous."

I was relived, Oli took me to my room and left.

"Gerard! Are you okay! I thought you wouldn't sleep here tonight, what happened?" Frank jumped up from his bed, his hair was slightly wet and hung around his face and made him look more sexy then ever. I smiled and embraced him. He stood there, stiff for a second and I thought he wouldn't hug me back. But thankfully he did and it sent shivers done my spine.

We sat down on his bed, my arm around his waist and his around mine, "So, you think that these Things are going to kill or hurt us tonight?" I nodded, 'Oh my god why did I tell him now he'll think I'm crazy.'

"I'll never let them hurt you, I promise." Frank pulled me into another hug. I felt warm and tingly. I don't know what came over me but all of a sudden I crashed my lips against his and pinned him to his uncomfortable bed.

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